Title |
Subject |
Author |
Keyword |
Volume |
Record of Rinzai: Three Hundred Mile Tiger, Chapter X, No. 11 | Blind religious teachers | Sasaki, Sokei-an | "Blind Idiots" | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
108 Bows | Buddhist Bowing Practice | Chandler, Ian R. | 108 Bows | 2000 04 Fall Vol 47 |
Record of Rinzai: Three Hundred Mile Tiger, Chapter X, No. 08 | The stages of Enlightenment and Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 10th Stage | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
Cover: 113 East 30th Street in 1939 | New York City Pre-War Photographs | Chandler, Ian R. | 113 E30 Street | 2006 01 Winter Vol 54 |
Homes of the First Zen Institute, A brief History | Different locations of the FZIOA in New York | Chandler, Ian R. | 113 E30 Street | 2006 01 Winter Vol 54 |
Cover: First Zen Institute's new Roof Deck in Winter | Photo by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | 113 E30 Street | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Sokei-an Says: Buddhism has existed for 2,500 years. | An everlasting Oriental religion | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 2,500 Years | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says | 25 years of teaching in America | Joshu Sasaki Ros | 25 Years | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
The 2nd Patriarch Resting | Painting attributed to Shih K'o | Shih K'o | 2nd Patriarch | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Rinazi Record | My sermon to which you are listening… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 4 Great Element | 1970 06 Jun Vol 17 |
The Four Inverted Views | Mutability, Comfort, Purity, Separate Ego | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 4 Inverted Views | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: The Four Noble Convictions | The Four Noble Truths and suffering | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 4 Noble Truths | 1960 12 Dec Vol 07 |
Introduction: C.T. Shen's "The Five Eyes" | Appropriate for Bodhi Day, December 8 | Editor | 5 Eyes | 1970 12 Dec Vol 17 |
What Are the Five Eyes? | Physical, heavenly, wisdom, dharma, etc. | Shen, C.T. | 5 Eyes | 1970 12 Dec Vol 17 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 17 | Final Instructions of the Sixth Patriarch | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 6th Patriarch | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 18 | Final Instructions of the Sixth Patriarch | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 6th Patriarch | 2000 02 Spring Vol 47 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 19 | Sixth Patriarch's final gatha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | 6th Patriarch | 2000 03 Summer Vol 47 |
Abandonment | How to give up. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Abandonment | 1970 09 Sep Vol 17 |
Bernice Abbott Exhibition | Bernice Abbott Exhibition: photos | Farkas, Mary | Abbott, Bernice | 1981 11 Nov Vol 28 |
The Dalai Lama on Abortion | Killing, deformed child, terrible problems | Dalai Lama | Abortion | 1984 10 Oct Vol 31 |
Cover: Summewhere, drawing by Peeter Lamp | Abstract Design | Lamp, Peeter | Abstract Art | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
Cover: Abstract Design | Abstract Design | Editor | Abstract Design | 1966 10 Oct Vol 13 |
Cover: Abstract Design with three verticals | Abstract Design with three verticals | Editor | Abstract Design | 1969 08 Aug Vol 16 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Atop a Hundred Foot Pole | Living In the World | Sasaki, Joshu | Achievement | 1971 11 November Vol 18 |
Conversations with Farkas | Adventurous, dramatic and violent people | Hackney, Sandy | Adventure | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | Clearing Away the Five Afflictions | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Afflictions | 1955 03 Mar Vol 02 |
Book Review: On Agression | Self Knowledge | Lorenz, Konrad | Aggression | 1971 08 August Vol 18 |
The Legend of the Birth of Buddha | Buddha was conceived in Akasha-garbha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Akasha-Garbha | 1955 12 Dec Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says: Horizontal and Perpendicular | Past, present, future; Alaya Consciousness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Alaya | 1965 01 Jan Vol 12 |
Buddhist ministers on alcohol -- "Wisdom water" | Chicago Temple Bulletin | Ministers | Alcohol | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Zen History is Made in New York | American Zen will reach height in 300 years | Editor | American Zen | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Development of American Zen | Development of American Zen | Tsuchiya, K. | American Zen | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: The Future of American Zen | The Future of American Zen | Sasaki, Joshu | American Zen | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Book Noted: The American Buddhist Directory | American Buddhist Directory | Editor | American Zen | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | Amida: Buddha of Infinite Light and Life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Amida | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | Sixth Patriarch and Pure Land Faith | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Amida | 1980 04 Apr Vol 27 |
From the Great Natural Way | Ikku and Rennyo Shonin -- Compassion | Seki, Hozen | Amida | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | Ananda and the Novice | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Ananda | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
The World of Boundless Light | A queen of India confined to a dungeon | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Ananda | 1965 01 Jan Vol 12 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | Anapanasati, Part 2 | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Anapanasati | 1969 06 Jun Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: No Leakage | Attainment of samadhi and jnana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Anashrava | 1969 12 Dec Vol 16 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Getting Angry II | Haskel, Peter | Anger | 1980 04 Apr Vol 27 |
Something to be said for anger | Husband thrown out of the window | Gallatin, Barbara | Anger | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Not angry when abused | Haskel, Peter | Anger | 1980 07 Jul Vol 27 |
Conversations with Farkas | Anger throughout the day | Hackney, Sandy | Anger | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Conversations with Farkas: Unsolicited Testimonial | How useless and harmful it is to get angry. | Farkas, Mary | Anger | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Conversations with Farkas | Angry babies -- 20, 30 and 80 year olds | Farkas, Mary | Angry babies | 1983 03 Mar Vol 30 |
Cover: Animal Drawing | Drawing by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Animal | 1966 09 Sep Vol 13 |
Conversations with Farkas | Animal Trainers EST | Farkas, Mary | Animal Trainers | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Editor's Comment | The "Ant Hill" viewed Metaphorically | Farkas, Mary | Ant Hill Symbol | 1970 05 May Vol 17 |
The Zen Eye: The Ant Hill | Primitive Buddhism in the Nikayas… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Ant Hill Symbol | 1970 05 May Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: The Blindness of Anuruddha | Story of Anuruddha, the Buddha's cousin | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Anuruddha | 1959 08 Aug Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: Anuruddha's Blindness | Anuruddha goes to the woods to sleep | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Anuruddha | 1959 09 Sep Vol 06 |
Editor's Note: An apology for delays. | Apology for delays and inaccuracies | Farkas, Mary | Apology | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Conversations with Farkas | Apple Computer Ad in NY Times | Farkas, Mary | Apple Computer | 1984 08 Aug Vol 31 |
Cover: Japanese newspaper article ad for Apple Computer | Apple has come -- what is apple? | Farkas, Mary | Apple Computer | 1984 08 Aug Vol 31 |
Sokei-an Says: The Thunderstorm | Arada Kalama and Udraka Ramaputra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Arada Kalama | 1966 11 Nov Vol 13 |
Book Noted: Zen in the Art of Archery | Book ignored by the American press | Editor | Archery | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
Book Noted: Zen and the Art of Archery, by Eugen Herrigel | On breathing and the art of archery | Storm, John | Archery | 1987 12 Dec Vol 34 |
Architecture--A complete Japanese house on west 54th St | From the Museum of Modern Art | Editor | Architecture | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Cover: Painting of Tofukuji Monastery, Attributed to S. Toyo | Example of Zen Architecture in the 1400s. | Sesshu Toyo | Architecture | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
Sokei-an Says: Form and Motion | Art and Painting | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Art | 1966 08 Aug Vol 13 |
Transcribing a Book, Picture from Freer Gallery of Art | Mouse-Monks transcribing a book | Kawanabe Kyosai | Art | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Book Noted: The Art of Indian Asia | A survey by Heinrich Zimmer | Editor | Art of Asia | 1955 07 Jul Vol 02 |
Record of the Great Primordial (Taiaki) | The Art of War, translated by Haskel | Takuan Soho | Art of War | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Record of the Great Primordial | Taiaki, translated by Peter Haskel | Takuan Soho | Art of War | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
The Three Worlds, Concluded; Sokei-an Says: Meditation | Arupadhatu, Samkhya school meditation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Arupadhatu | 1959 06 Jun Vol 06 |
Sogen Asahina Roshi Said | The whole world is you, yourself. | Sogen Asahina | Asahina Roshi | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Comings and Goings | Asahina Sogen to visit the First Zen Inst. | Editor | Asahina Sogen | 1954 06 Jun Vol 01 |
Cover: Photo of Asahina Sogen Roshi | Asahina Sogen Roshi | Editor | Asahina Sogen | 1954 08 Aug Vol 01 |
A Zen Master In Our Midst | Zen master and Abbot of Engaku-ji | Editor | Asahina Sogen | 1954 09 Sep Vol 01 |
Living Zen | Conclusion of A. Sogen brief biography | Editor | Asahina Sogen | 1954 09 Sep Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: Leakage | Mind flowing out from our sense organs | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Ashrava | 1969 11 Nov Vol 16 |
Chinese Astrology: Year of the Horse | Horse-people: Cheerful and independent | Editor | Astrology | 1966 01 Jan Vol 13 |
Ox cutout card | Year of the ox cut-out card | Stephenson, M. | Astrology | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Ox or Buffalo Years of the 20th Century | Chinese astology, year of the ox or buffalo | Farkas, Mary | Astrology | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Cover: Mouse | Chinese Astrology, year of the Rat | Farkas, Mary | Astrology, Rat | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Late Rat News | Several asian countries sell rat stamps | Farkas, Mary | Astrology, Rat | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
The Year of the Rat | Chinese Astrology on Rats | Farkas, Mary | Astrology, Rat | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Year of the Dog | Chinese Astrology for Dog years | Editor | Astrology-Dogs | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
The Years of the Pig and/or Boar | Chinese Astrology for Pig/Boar years | Farkas, Mary | Astrology-Pigs | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Sokei-an Says: Attainment | Search for Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Attainment | 1971 03 Mar Vol 18 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi: Talk | First Awakening | Sasaki, Joshu | Awakening | 1971 04 April Vol 18 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 29th Lecture Feb 11, 1939 | When a Bodhisattva attains awakening | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Awakening | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Sokei-an Says: The True Word | Baby Buddha: I am the only honored one | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Baby Buddha | 1981 04 Apr Vol 28 |
Late News, Birthdays | Birth of Phyllis Jumanna Bahi | Farkas, Mary | Bahi, Phyllis | 1983 04 Apr Vol 30 |
Bankei and His World: Tokugawa Zen, Part III, No. 1 | Military government of the Bakufu | Haskel, Peter | Bakufu | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Cover: Skyward Bamboo | Bamboo in the First Zen back yard | Lamp, Peeter | Bamboo | 2008 02 Spring Vol 56 |
Book Noted: Bankei Zen, by Peter Haskel | The Record of Bankei translated by Haskel | Storm, John | Bankei | 1985 08-09 Aug-Sep Vol 32 |
Bankei and his World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.14 | Muromachi Shogunate and Zen | Haskel, Peter | Bankei | 2007 04 Fall Vol 55 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Abide in the Unborn | Haskel, Peter | Bankei | 1983 05-06 May-Jun Vol 30 |
Cover: Circle by Bankei | Quote from Zen and the Art of Calligraphy | Haskel, Peter | Bankei Circle | 1984 07 Jul Vol 31 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Whenever the layman Gesso got angry | Haskel, Peter | Bankei's patron | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Book Noted: Sadaharu Oh: a Zen way and Baseball | Become one with bat, opponent and self | Shaefer, Robert | Baseball | 1984 09 Sep Vol 31 |
Book Noted: Narrow Road to the Interior, by Basho | Four Books of Basho's Poetry | Chandler, Ian R. | Basho | 2000 02 Spring Vol 47 |
Ma-Tsu Tao-I | From the Development of Chinese Zen | Dumoulin, H. | Baso Doitsu | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
Teachings of the Zen Master Bassui | From "Mud and Water: The Collected…" | Braverman, Art. | Bassui | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.11 | Bassui | Haskel, Peter | Bassui | 2007 01 Winter Vol 55 |
The Secular World, 1939 | Thus have I heard…beautiful things | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Beautiful things | 1960 08 Aug Vol 07 |
This Worldly Life, 1942 | All things of beautiful appearance | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Beautiful things | 1960 09 Sep Vol 07 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | If you become a Buddha, fill the Universe | Haskel, Peter | Become Buddha | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
The Zen Eye: The Beggar | Monks Begging From Door to Door | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Begging | 1970 04 Apr Vol 17 |
Book Noted: Zen For Beginners | Documentary Comic Book on Zen | Storm, John | Beginners | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Cover: Ceremonial Objects and Instruments | Bells, bowls and sutras at the First Zen | Editor | Bells & Sutras | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
New Yorker Note: Belly Laughing | Belly Laughing blocks pain | New Yorker | Belly Laughing | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 10 | Tatha-Bhutatathata | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bhutatathata | 1984 07 Jul Vol 31 |
Living Zen | Life Story of Asahina Sogen | Asahina Sogen | Biography | 1954 08 Aug Vol 01 |
Sokei-an 1882-1945 | Brief Biography of Sokei-an Sasaki | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Biography | 1958 05 May Vol 05 |
Rinzai | Biographical Sketch of Rinzai from Zen Dust | Sasaki, Ruth | Biography | 1970 01 Jan Vol 17 |
The First Zen of America: Kosen | Kosen, Grandfather to American Zen | Farkas, Mary | Biography | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
The First Zen of America: Soen Shaku (1859-1919) | The life story of Soen Shaku | Farkas, Mary | Biography | 1987 11 Nov Vol 34 |
Cover: Bird Drawing | And what's wrong with a bird-brain? | Coward, Vanessa | Bird | 1962 03 Mar Vol 09 |
Cover: Bird | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Bird | 1965 08 August Vol 12 |
Back inside cover: Drawing of a bird on a branch. | Pen and Ink Drawing by Susan Morningstar | Morningstar, S. | Bird | 2007 04 Fall Vol 55 |
The Four Forms of Birth | Egg, womb, moisture and metamorphosis | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Birth | 1966 08 Aug Vol 13 |
Record of Rinzai: Three Hundred Mile Tiger, Chapter X, No. 09 | Buddha Becomes Cause of Birth & Death | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Birth and Death | 2006 04 Fall Vol 54 |
Celebration: Birthdays | Birthdays April 6: Tudor, Roshi, Buddha | Editor | Birthday | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Buddha's Birthday Celebration | Zachary Jarret | Farkas, Mary | Birthday | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
The Metaphor of the Blind Tortoise | Hard for the blind tortoise to see sunlight | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Blindness | 1960 12 Dec Vol 07 |
Cover: wild boar | Wild boar drawing by Gesshin Myoko | Myoko, Gesshin | Boar | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Cover: In Buddha's Footstep | Rubbing of a Foot-Print Stone, Bodh Gaya | Chandler, Ian R. | Bodh-Gaya | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
From the Editor | Rubbing collected by Ian Chandler in 1996 | Lamp, Peeter | Bodh-Gaya | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
Bodhidharma's Zen | To experience Bodhidharma's Zen | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhidharma | 1954 12 Dec Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: Zen's Bodhidharma | The Emperor Liang Wu-ti asked a question | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhidharma | 1954 12 Dec Vol 01 |
Was Bodhidharma a Real Person? | Modern historical criticism | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhidharma | 1954 12 Dec Vol 01 |
Bodhidharma's Two Entrances | The Gates of Reason and Practice | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhidharma | 1956 12 Dec Vol 03 |
Note on Bodhidharma: "The Meditation on Four Acts" | Essays in Zen Buddhism | Suzuki, D. T. | Bodhidharma | 1956 12 Dec Vol 03 |
Cover: Meditating Bodhidharma | Bodhidharma in meditation | Farkas, Mary | Bodhidharma | 1986 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 33 |
Cover: Dharuma, by Sandy Hackney | Brush and Ink Dharuma drawing | Hackney, Sandy | Bodhidharma | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 36th Lecture | Vajra Garbha Bodhisattva | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhisattva | 2005 04 Fall Vol 52 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 37th Lecture | Vajra Garbha Bodhisattva, Continued | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhisattva | 2006 01 Winter Vol 54 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 53rd Lecture Oct. 4, 1939 | Bodhisattvas return to lives in the world | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhisattva | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 55th Lecture Oct. 18, 1939 | Bodhisattvas: Manjushri, Maitreya, etc | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Bodhisattva | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Letter to Vanessa Coward and Mary Farkas | From N. Gujarat, India | Farkas, Mary | Bodhisattvas | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Study sanzen | Study sanzen and harmonious life style | Sasaki, Joshu | Bodhisattvas | 1984 08 Aug Vol 31 |
Books Noted: Zen and Reality; Hi, High, Hai; | The Threefold Refuge; This Book-No Title | Storm, John | Books | 1983 12 December Vol 30 |
Q and A: How Are The Breaths To Be Counted? | Sokei-an on the Sutra of Perfect Awakening | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Breath Counting | 1986 08 Aug Vol 33 |
Eido Shimano Roshi on Breathing | Smooth, regular breathing for zazen | Eido Roshi | Breathing | 1987 01 Jan Vol 34 |
On the vital breath, from the Orategama | The source of strength...below the naval | Hakuin Zenji | Breathing | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Book Noted: The Zen Way to the Martial Arts, Deshimaru | On Breathing, extended discussion | Storm, John | Breathing | 1987 08 Aug Vol 34 |
Breathing Cartoon, by Jim Shapiro: Truly full, truly empty | Breathing Cartoon | Shapiro, Jim | Breathing | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Joe Harris Writes | "Inhale from the solar plexus" | Harris, Joseph | Breathing | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
On Breathing, noted by MF | Breathing quote from Hakuin | Farkas, Mary | Breathing | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Cover: Drawing of a Broom | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Broom | 1962 12 Dec Vol 09 |
Sokei-an Says: The Five Principles of Sweeping | The Zen Eye on the Agamas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Broom | 1962 12 Dec Vol 09 |
Jerry Brown, former California Governor: "Mr. Zen" | Letter from Norman Money, 86 years old | Money, Norman | Brown, Jerry | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Correct: the Bucket is Empty! | Humorous drawing | Briggs, William | Bucket is empty | 1958 11 Nov Vol 05 |
Sokei-an Says: Buddha | Buddha is that even mind, even and calm | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha | 1954 03 Mar Vol 01 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Marvelous, inconcievable Buddha Mind | Haskel, Peter | Buddha Mind | 1980 12 Dec Vol 27 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | The Unborn Buddha Mind | Haskel, Peter | Buddha Mind | 1981 04 Apr Vol 28 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Vital, functioning, living Buddha mind | Haskel, Peter | Buddha Mind | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Struggle to find the Buddha Mind | Haskel, Peter | Buddha Mind | 1981 09 Sep Vol 28 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | The Unborn Buddha Mind | Haskel, Peter | Buddha Mind | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Marvelous, inconcievable Buddha Mind | Haskel, Peter | Buddha Mind | 1982 08 Aug Vol 29 |
The Buddha Play | Conceived and Performed by Evan Brenner | Chandler, Ian R. | Buddha Play | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Cover: Buddha Statue in Ceylon | Buddha Statue in Ceylon | Editor | Buddha Statue | 1969 06 Jun Vol 16 |
Cover: Buddha on Lotus Pedestal | Buddha on Lotus pedestal | Farkas, Mary | Buddha Statue | 1987 12 Dec Vol 34 |
Book Noted: Buddhacarita Life of Buddha by Ashva Ghosha | Translated by Olivelle, Reviewed by Chandler | Chandler, Ian R. | Buddhacarita | 2010 02 Spring Vol 58 |
Buddha Nature | Buddha living in the western sky | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha-nature | 1959 01 Jan Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: Buddha's Birthday | Buddha's Birthday | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Birth | 1954 04 Apr Vol 01 |
On the Twenty-Five Hundredth Anniversary of Birth of Buddha | Birth of the Buddha and his teaching | Sasaki, Ruth | Buddha's Birth | 1956 08 Aug Vol 03 |
Sokei-an Says: April Eighth, Buddha's Birthday | Buddha's Birthday | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Birth | 1959 04 Apr Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: Lumbini | Legend of the Buddha's birth. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Birth | 1960 04 Apr Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: The Buddha's Birthday | Buddha's Birthday | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Birth | 1966 04 Apr Vol 13 |
Mahakasyapa's Gatha | Buddha is a vehicle….bearing us to Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Death | 1957 02 Feb Vol 04 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | When the Buddha passed into Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Death | 1957 02 Feb Vol 04 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 16th Lecture, Oct 1938 | Beginningless illusory darkness….. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Gatha | 2000 04 Fall Vol 47 |
Some Sects of Buddhism | The Buddha's Soul Sect | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Soul | 1970 11 Nov Vol 17 |
Of the Human Being | The Buddha…hated the human life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddha's Youth | 1957 02 Feb Vol 04 |
Is There Some Benefit From Studying Buddhism? | Studying Buddhism forty years | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddhism | 1956 02 Feb Vol 03 |
The Zen Sect of Buddhism | Lecture on Buddhism | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddhism | 1971 05 May Vol 18 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | I don't speak about Buddhism | Haskel, Peter | Buddhism | 1981 11 Nov Vol 28 |
Sokei-an Says, Principles of Buddhism, VI | You attain through your own effort | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Buddhism | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | I don't speak about Buddhism | Haskel, Peter | Buddhism | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Buddhism for the West | Buddhism for the West--5 Points | Humphreys, Ch | Buddhism | 1983 07 July Vol 30 |
Book Noted: Zen, the living Buddhism of Japan | Zen is truth itself, not the word but the spirit | Farkas, Mary | Buddhism | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Books Noted: Where the World Does Not Follow | Buddhist China in Pictures and Poem | Johnson, Seven | Buddhist China | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Cover: A Lesson in Drumming, Cartoon by Jim Shapiro | Shapiro learns to use huge Buddhist drum | Shapiro, Jim | Buddhist Drum | 1986 09 Sep Vol 33 |
Jim Shapiro learns to play on a huge Buddhist Drum | A drum that eats dragons, devours children | Shapiro, Jim | Buddhist Drum | 1986 09 Sep Vol 33 |
Soyen Shaku Says | Talk to the National Geographic Society | Shaku, Soen | Buddhist Faith | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
The Festivel in Commemoration of the Birth, Enlightenment…. | Observed in many Buddhist lands | Editor | Buddhist Festival | 1956 07 Jul Vol 03 |
Cover: Ecclesiastical School | Industrial strength training in Buddhist rites | Farkas, Mary | Buddhist rite | 1984 09 Sep Vol 31 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Different Schools of Buddhism | Haskel, Peter | Buddhist School | 1980 08 Aug Vol 27 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | The origin of father and mother | Haskel, Peter | Buddhist School | 1981 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 28 |
Our 21 Story Neighbor | Builders assure quiet for Sesshin | Farkas, Mary | Builders | 1983 09 September Vol 30 |
Cover: Elinor stops burglar at gunpoint | Elinor with her dog | Editor | Burglary | 1981 07 Jul Vol 28 |
Woman Arrests Burglar | "The gun is cocked. Don't move." | Editor | Burglary | 1981 07 Jul Vol 28 |
From an Address Given by the Prime Minister of Burma | One way …. to freedom from suffering | U Nu | Burmese P.M. | 1955 08 Aug Vol 02 |
Cover: Tan Hsia burning a wooden Buddha | Drawing by Sengai | Sengai | Burning Buddha | 2006 04 Fall Vol 54 |
Bushido | Excepts from a Handbook of Modern Japan | Clement, Ernest | Bushido | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
Bushmen party photos | Following the United Nations Appearance | Chandler, Ian R. | Bushmen | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
Cover: Dawid Kruiper, photo by Ian R. Chandler | Bushman from Botswana | Chandler, Ian R. | Bushmen | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
The Bushmen's 'Trail of Tears' | Diamonds in the Kalahari Desert | Chandler, Ian R. | Bushmen | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
The Bushmen Win Their Case | The Central Kalahari Game Reserve | Chandler, Ian R. | Bushmen | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
Cover: Busshin-Kai | Busshin-Kai with Rev. S. S. Sasaki | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Busshin-Kai | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
Chinese Characters | Man, Sitting, Overturned, Turned his back | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Calligraphy | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
Chinese Words: Key | Sample Calligrqphy | Editor | Calligraphy | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
Zenrin Kushu | Poem: Tonight the moon is full | Cat's Yawn | Calligraphy | 1954 04 Apr Vol 01 |
Zenrin Kushu | Walking, I come to where the waters end | Wang Wei | Calligraphy | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
Japanese Vocabulary | Yama-bushi | Editor | Calligraphy | 1954 11 Nov Vol 01 |
Zenrin Kushu | Poem: There is nothing to compare it with | Kanzen | Calligraphy | 1954 11 Nov Vol 01 |
Zenrin Kushu | The Barbarian has a red beard | Mumonkan, 2 | Calligraphy | 1955 03 Mar Vol 02 |
Japanese Calligraphy for the three refuges | I take refuge in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha | Miura Roshi | Calligraphy | 1955 05 May Vol 02 |
The Designer of Zen Notes | Calligraphy a work of art | Editor | Calligraphy | 1955 05 May Vol 02 |
East-West Commuters | Our calligraphic picnic | Editor | Calligraphy | 1955 06 Jun Vol 02 |
Cover: Poem and Calligraphy by Kido Osho | "Having Knocked at the Gate" | Kido Osho | Calligraphy | 1955 08 Aug Vol 02 |
The Heart of Great Wisdom Sutra | Calligraphy of the Heart Sutra | Miura Roshi | Calligraphy | 1956 01 Jan Vol 03 |
Chinese Characters | Eye, Man, Foot walking--right view | Editor | Calligraphy | 1956 02 Feb Vol 03 |
Zenrin Kushu | The Leopard lurks in the mist… | Sasaki, Ruth | Calligraphy | 1956 06 Jun Vol 03 |
Zenrin Ruishu 10 | "The thickness of the bamboos…" | Miura Roshi | Calligraphy | 1956 09 Sep Vol 03 |
Teiwa Shu, 2 | "Let us live Amount the white clouds…." | Miura Roshi | Calligraphy | 1956 10 Oct Vol 03 |
Example of Sumi-E | Centerpiece Calligraphy: "Zen" | Ishikawa, Shinji | Calligraphy | 1956 11 Nov Vol 03 |
Chinese Characters | "Fish" | Editor | Calligraphy | 1957 01 Jan Vol 04 |
Chinese Characters | "Heart" | Editor | Calligraphy | 1957 03 Mar Vol 04 |
Cover: Calligraphy by Miss Yau Wan Shan | Buddhist paintings; classical Chinese style | Shan, Yau Wan | Calligraphy | 1957 03 Mar Vol 04 |
"A great recluse hides himself in the market-place…" | "A great recluse hides himself…" | Han Shoin Shi | Calligraphy | 1957 04 Apr Vol 04 |
Five Verses from Zenrin Kushu | Poetry and calligraphy | Sasaki, Ruth | Calligraphy | 1957 05 May Vol 04 |
"Playing go, I while away the entire day…" | Poetry and calligraphy | Benno Ruihen | Calligraphy | 1957 06 Jun Vol 04 |
Calligraphy for the "Song of Zazen" | Calligraphy by Hakuin Ekaku Zenji | Hakuin Zenji | Calligraphy | 1957 07 Jul Vol 04 |
"The ten-thousand mouths speak with one and the same…" | Poetry and calligraphy | Futo Roku | Calligraphy | 1957 11 Nov Vol 04 |
"Drawing water, carrying firewood, this is supernatural…." | Poetry and calligraphy | Ho Koji Goroku | Calligraphy | 1957 12 Dec Vol 04 |
Commemoration of Buddha's Birthday | Poem and Calligraphy by Nyogen Senzaki | Senzaki, Nyogen | Calligraphy | 1958 06 Jun Vol 05 |
Cover: Calligraphy, The Four Vows | Calligraphy of the four vows | Miura, Isshu | Calligraphy | 1958 06 Jun Vol 05 |
Han Seals for the First Zen Institute of America in Japan | Ancient Han Chinese Writing | Irving Groupp | Calligraphy | 1958 07 Jul Vol 05 |
Poem and Calligraphy: "From this time forth…" | you can become a beast, or a Buddha | Editor | Calligraphy | 1961 03 Mar Vol 08 |
Cover: The Three Refuges | Namu kie Butsu, Namu kie Ho, Namu… | Editor | Calligraphy | 1961 05 May Vol 08 |
Zokudento roku | At death I take off my summer gown | Sasaki, Ruth | Calligraphy | 1961 08 Aug Vol 08 |
The Chinese Character | Chinese Calligraphy | Editor | Calligraphy | 1962 05 May Vol 09 |
Of Vanessa Coward the Critics Say: | …an adept at Oriental Calligraphy | Coward, Vanessa | Calligraphy | 1962 08 Aug Vol 09 |
Cover: Staff/Walking Stick/Calligraphy | Staff or Walking Stick | Farkas, Mary | Calligraphy | 1965 11 November Vol 12 |
Cover: Yoshito Hakeda, photo and calligraphy | Calligraphy by Professor Hakeda, Sensei | Haskel, Peter | Calligraphy | 1983 10 October Vol 30 |
Book Noted: Zen and the Art of Calligraphy | Routledge and Keegan Paul on Calligraphy | Haskel, Peter | Calligraphy | 1984 07 Jul Vol 31 |
Four Vows Calligraphy, by Isshu Miura Roshi | Calligraphy done on request of disciples | Miura, Isshu | Calligraphy | 1984 10 Oct Vol 31 |
Cover: "Cold Stream" | Calligraphy by Takuan | Takuan Soho | Calligraphy | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Cover: A pure wind comes from every direction | Calligraphy by Imakita Kosen | Kosen, Imakita | Calligraphy | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Cover: Fake Calligraphy | Drawing with fake calligraphy | Lamp, Peeter | Calligraphy | 2010 04 Fall Vol 58 |
Sokei-an Says: At Noon | Calmness and controlling one's mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Calm | 1961 02 Feb Vol 08 |
Stalk an awakened sky-flower | Drawing | Lamp, Peeter | Cartoon | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
Cartoons | Sanzen cartoons | Briggs, William | Cartoons | 1959 07 Jul Vol 06 |
Have Zabuton Will Travel | Cartoon with zabutons at the train station | Briggs, William | Cartoons | 1959 08 Aug Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: The Castle | The castle of the king must have a tower… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Castle | 1969 04 Apr Vol 16 |
Such Drags those Dragons | Cat Drawing, by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Cat | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
If all Else Fails, a Good Yawn Will Do | Cat Drawing, by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Cat | 2000 02 Spring Vol 47 |
Poem for a napping cat | A wave of Zen | Lamp, Peeter | Cat | 2000 04 Fall Vol 47 |
Back page: Cat drawing and poem by Peter Lamp | Year of the Monkey? | Lamp, Peeter | Cat Drawing | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Back page: Cat drawing and poem | Cat Drawing by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Cat Drawing | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
Back page: Cat drawing and poem | Drawing by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Cat Drawing | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Cover: If you can't be like a cat how can you be like a saint | Cat Cover | Editor | Cats | 1980 11 Nov Vol 27 |
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney | Frankie the cat | Hackney, Sandy | Cats | 1981 09 Sep Vol 28 |
Cat Drawing and Poem | I spring while summer has sprung…. | Lamp, Peeter | Cats | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Book Noted: Mythology, Encyclopedia | Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology | Haskel, Peter | Cavendish, Rich | 1980 11 Nov Vol 27 |
Center of Gravity | Teachings of Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sasaki, Joshu | Center of Gravity | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Buddhism in Ceylon | The First Two Hundred Years | Perera, H. R. | Ceylon | 1969 06 Jun Vol 16 |
Buddhism in Ceylon, Part 2 | The Viharas, where the monks lived | Perera, H. R. | Ceylon | 1969 07 Jul Vol 16 |
Selecting and Studying Under a Master | Sheng-Yen on Selecting a Master | Sheng-Yen | Chan Masters | 1984 11 Nov Vol 31 |
Genuine and False Chan Masters, by Sheng-Yen | False Chan Masters and Buddhist precepts | Sheng-Yen | Chan Masters | 1984 12 Dec Vol 31 |
The summary credits for this Zen Story | Kim Chan in the lead role as the 3 monks | Lamp, Peeter | Chan, Kim | 2000 03 Summer Vol 47 |
Letter From Kyoto | Book Review of The Practice of Zen | Sasaki, Ruth | Chang Chen-chi | 1960 02 Feb Vol 07 |
On Chanting | Chanting | Sasaki, Joshu | Chanting | 1971 03 Mar Vol 18 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi | "No need translation. Just chant." | Joshu Sasaki Ros | Chanting | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
On Chanting | Chanting the Hannya Shingyo | Deshimaru Roshi | Chanting | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Obituary of Chia Theng Shen, 1913-2007 | Chinese Patron of Buddhism | Chandler, Ian R. | Chia T. Shen | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
Two chicks in a Makeshift Nest | Drawing and poem by Peter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Chicks in nest | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
Soothill's Dictionary definition of Chihkuan | A form of T'ien-t'ai meditation | Editor | Chihkuan | 1959 03 Mar Vol 06 |
Letter From Kyoto | Ruth Sasaki's China train journey | Sasaki, Ruth | China | 1960 05 May Vol 07 |
Chinese Characters | Characters for the numbers 1, 2, 3 | Editor | Chinese | 1954 01 Jan Vol 01 |
When I was a Child | Learning Chinese | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Chinese | 1954 01 Jan Vol 01 |
Chinese Characters | primitive woman, good, trouble, safe | Editor | Chinese | 1954 04 Apr Vol 01 |
Chinese Characters | Walk, earth, to sit, to rest | Editor | Chinese | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
Chinese Characters | Mountains and water | Editor | Chinese | 1954 06 Jun Vol 01 |
Chinese Characters | Love, benevolence, complete virtue | Editor | Chinese | 1954 08 Aug Vol 01 |
Chinese Characters | Benefit, profit | Editor | Chinese | 1954 12 Dec Vol 01 |
On Translating Chinese Poems | Translation does not bring poems alive | Editor | Chinese | 1955 03 Mar Vol 02 |
Summary of Miss Yau's Talk on Zen Budd. and Chinese Art | "Ch. art is inseparable from Zen Buddhism" | Chiang, Chao Tze | Chinese Art | 1957 03 Mar Vol 04 |
Valeria Writes | A Chinese doctor and Western medicine | Wasilewski, Val. | Chinese Doctor | 1985 12 Dec Vol 32 |
Book Review: Christian Zen by William Johnston | Christian Zen | Farkas, Mary | Christian | 1971 11 November Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: The Key | Shakyamuni left home in order to attain… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Christian Love | 1961 12 Dec Vol 08 |
Sokei-an's Lives: When I Studied Christianity | Blue-eyed, yellow-haired missionaries | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Christianity | 1969 03 Mar Vol 16 |
The Birthday of Chirst | The Son of God | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Christmas | 1955 12 Dec Vol 02 |
Poem by Chuho Koroku | "In my heart I hang the old mirror…" | Chuho Koroku | Chuho Koroku | 1959 06 Jun Vol 06 |
Cover: Circle | Circle | Editor | Circle | 1966 08 Aug Vol 13 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Unborn Buddha mind | Haskel, Peter | Clear-eyed | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Travelers passing through mountains | Haskel, Peter | Clear-eyed men | 1981 07 Jul Vol 28 |
Cover: Year of the Cock, 1969 | Chinese Astrology: Year of the Cock | Editor | Cock | 1969 01 Jan Vol 16 |
Cover: Drawing of a Cock | Chinese Astrology: Year of the Cock | Editor | Cock | 1969 02 Feb Vol 16 |
How a Comic Book Led Me to the Zen Institute | "The Alchemy" Japanese Black-Ops Agent | Reyes, Naomi | Comic Book | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
The Monk's Commandment | Shaking hands with a monk from Ceylon | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Commandment | 1969 11 Nov Vol 16 |
In Buddhism We Call This Compassion | Zen warns not to fall into a false unity | Asahina Sogen | Compassion | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Whom Do We Call Buddhists | World Fellowship of Buddhists Conference | Editor | Conference | 1955 05 May Vol 02 |
Confession: Monks confession, sanzen | Monks' confession on the full moon night | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Confession | 1961 04 Apr Vol 08 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 1 | Buddhist confession | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Confession | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 3 | We confess these evil karmas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Confession | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 4 | Confess errors and give up present faults | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Confession | 1985 05 May Vol 32 |
Confucianism | Excepts from a Handbook of Modern Japan | Clement, Ernest | Confucianism | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
Sokei-an Says: The Middle Way | The Middle Way of Confucious | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Confucianism | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
Sokei-an Says: The Seven Abiding Places of Consciousness | Kamadhatu, First Dhyana, 2nd Dhyana, … | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Consciousness | 1962 09 Sep Vol 09 |
Sokei-an Says: Consciousness | Consciousness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Consciousness | 1971 09 September Vol 18 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 28th lecture Feb 4th 1939 | Intellect and Consciousness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Consciousness | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
When I was a Child | Cooking Shrimp in his mother's best pot | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Cooking | 1958 08 Aug Vol 05 |
Correction: ZN XXXII, #12 | So Solly | Farkas, Mary | Correction | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
Editor's Notes | 2 Corrections | Editor | Corrections | 1961 07 Jul Vol 08 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Living with this Cosmos | Everyone is living with this Cosmos | Sasaki, Joshu | Cosmos | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
Cover: Birthday, Vanessa Coward, 85 years old | Farkas and Vanessa embark on Cruise | Farkas, Mary | Coward, Vanes | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
Cover: Zen Brush Strokes, by Vanessa Coward | Zen Brush Strokes | Coward, Vanessa | Coward, Vanes | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
There is a Right Method Of Sitting | Americans not used to sitting cross-legged | Asahina Sogen | Cross-legged | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Of Note | The cost of publishing Zen Notes | Editor | Cutting costs | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
Book Noted: The Buddha Eye | Essays by D.T. Suzuki and others | Storm, John | D. T. Suzuki | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
Early Memories, by Daisetz Teitaro Susuki | Memories from 1891-1892 | Suzuki, D.T. | D. T. Suzuki | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
"Sekito said one day to Ho Koji…" | Drawing water, carrying firewood… | Ho Koji Goroku | Daily Activities | 1957 12 Dec Vol 04 |
A Message To Sokei-an's Zen Students | It is very important to practice in daily life | Asahina Sogen | Daily Life | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
A Portrait of Daio Kokushi | A handsome portrait of Daio Kokushi | Editor | Daio Kokushi | 1955 08 Aug Vol 02 |
An Anicent Prophesy Renewed | A prophesy and gift to the First Zen Institute | Kido Osho | Daio Kokushi | 1955 08 Aug Vol 02 |
Bankei and his World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.15 | Founding of Daitokuji in 1333 | Haskel, Peter | Daio-Line | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Book Noted: The Last Dalai Lama, by Michael H. Goodman | The world of the Tibetans | Storm, John | Dalai Lama | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
A highly detailed treatment of the paramitas | "The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist …." | Editor | Dayal, Har | 1957 09 Sep Vol 04 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Trade your Buddha Mind for a deamon | Haskel, Peter | deamon | 1983 04 Apr Vol 30 |
Announcement | Commemoration Service for Sokei-an | Sasaki, Ruth | Death | 1966 04 Apr Vol 13 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 20 | Sixth Patriarch Dying | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Death | 2000 04 Fall Vol 47 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 21 | Sixth Patriarch's Death and Final Gatha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Death | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 22 | Disposal of the Sixth Patriarch's body | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Death | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Last Instructions From an Old Monk | I have no disciple who has succeeded… | Bansho Goroku | Death | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
The Master and the Warrior | In birth nothing is born in death nothing dies | Haskel, Peter | Death | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
Back From the Jaws of Death | A cat encounter with the great matter | Chandler, Ian R. | Death | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
The Sixth Supernatural Power | How can you emancipate yourself? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Death Agony | 1970 08 Aug Vol 17 |
Memorial Service: 7th Anniversary of Isshu Miura's death | Koonji honoring 7th anniversary of death | Farkas, Mary | Death of Miura | 1984 10 Oct Vol 31 |
Zen Talks | The Buddha and his disciples; Debates | Farkas, Mary | Debates | 1966 05 May Vol 13 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume V, No. 1 | Mind is a phantom | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Delusion | 1984 08 Aug Vol 31 |
Book Noted: Questions to a Zen Master | The teachings of Deshimaru Roshi | Storm, John | Deshimaru | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Sokei-an Says: The Four Foundations | The value of human life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Desire | 1962 04 Apr Vol 09 |
Detachment | Detachment and Serenity | Kepner, Audree | Detachment | 1966 04 Apr Vol 13 |
Of Devas | Devas are those beings…living in heaven | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Devas | 1957 02 Feb Vol 04 |
What Do We Mean By Saying That A Person Knows Dhamma | Organized religion vs. personal religion. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dhamma | 1969 08 Aug Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: Dharma | What is Dharma | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharma | 1971 04 April Vol 18 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 1 | Dharma based on Samadhi and Wisdom | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharma | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 27th lecture Jan 28th 1939 | The Buddha observed all dharma existences | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharma | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
Rinzai Record | When the Dharma is Condensed…. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharma | 1970 04 Apr Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: Dharma or Man | What is the main principal of man's life? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharma or man | 1960 11 Nov Vol 07 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | When you understand about Dharmakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharmakaya | 1955 11 Nov Vol 02 |
The Foundation | We take refuge in the Dharmkaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharmakaya | 1958 09 Sep Vol 05 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 46th Lecture June 14, 1939 | Dialogue between the Buddha and Maitreya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dharma-Kshanti | 2008 02 Spring Vol 56 |
A Communication from the Maha Bodhi Society of India | Birth Centenary of H. Dharmapala of Ceylon | Editor | Dharmapala | 1962 11 Nov Vol 09 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Four Dhyana Heavens | The Four Dhyana Heavens | Farkas, Mary | Dhyana Heaven | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
Two Sicknesses | Don’t eat too much or too little | Asahina Sogen | Diet & Sleep | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Conversations with Farkas | Objectionable People | Hackney, Sandy | Difficult People | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | Disciplined Life | Hackney, Sandy | Discipline | 1980 01 Jan Vol 27 |
Drawing: Dog | Bye, Bye dog year | Lamp, Peter | Dog | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Inside Back Cover: Cat/Dog drawing and Poem | Following Buddha's Pawprints… | Lamp, Peeter | Dog | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
Dr. L. Weiger, S.J., Says of the 94th radical | The 94th Chinese radical represents a dog | Wieger, Dr. L. | Dog Character | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Dogen Review, by John Storm | Dogen's life, teachings and current books | Storm, John | Dogen | 1986 11 Nov Vol 33 |
Books noted: Dogen Zenji, 1200-1252 | Recent books about Dogen | Chandler, Ian R. | Dogen | 2005 03 Summer Vol 52 |
Cover: Hark hark! by Peeter Lamp | Dog drawings, by Peter Lamp | Lamp, Peter | Dogs | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
Cover: Dog, by Peter Lamp | Dogs and their mates: Horse, Tiger, Rabbit | Lamp, Peter | Dogs | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Late News, The Venerable Piyatissa | in Samadhi with a perfect line up of 8 dogs | Farkas, Mary | Dogs | 1983 12 December Vol 30 |
Animal Trainers -- Addressed to M. Doglover Farkas | Dog takes club away from policeman | Farkas, Mary | Dogs | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Dojobo of the Ikku school versus Bankei | Haskel, Peter | Dojobo | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Cover: Ikkyu's Doka | "A rest on the way back…." | Blyth, R.H. | Doka | 1969 12 Dec Vol 16 |
Mr. Money Talks | A show of Zen Spirit -- Donation to FZIOA | Money, Norman | Donation | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Zen Drawing: "Don’t Think" | Drawing by Briggs | Briggs, William | Don't Think | 1958 08 Aug Vol 05 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Great doubt and great enlightenment | Haskel, Peter | Doubt | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
Cover: Dragon | Dragon with calligraphy | Coward, Vanessa | Dragon | 1961 07 Jul Vol 08 |
Cover: Welcome to Y2K, Multicolored Dragon | 2000, Year of the Dragon | Lamp, Peeter | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Dragon by Vanessa Coward, Zen Notes, Volume VIII | Dragon by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Dragon Carver | Carved Dragon from a Professional | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Dragon TailGate | Introduction to the Year of the Dragon | Lamp, Peeter | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Dragon with Calligraphy | From Zen Notes Vol. XV | Editor | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Lamp Drawing of Gatekeeper Dragon | Gatekeeper Dragon | Lamp, Peeter | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Lamp Drawing of Guardian Dragon | Guardian Dragon | Lamp, Peeter | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Runaway Dragon | From Zen Notes Vol XI | Editor | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
The Dragon Has Died | Poem for the Dragon Gallery | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
The Father of many Zen-Notes Dragons | Classical Dragon scroll with Calligraphy | Lamp, Peeter | Dragon | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Inside Back Cover: Dragon drawing and Poem | This place seems familiar | Lamp, Peeter | Dragon | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Picture of a Dragon | Dragon by Sesson, Japan, 1480-1560 | Sesson | Dragon | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
When I was a Child | Learning to draw | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Drawing | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
Cover: Hillside and Moon in Circle | Drawing of hillside and moon | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1958 12 Dec Vol 05 |
Rohatsu Expressed in Zen Brush Strokes | Rohatsu O Sesshin at Daitoku-ji | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1958 12 Dec Vol 05 |
Cover: Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 02 Feb Vol 09 |
Cover: Abstract Ink and Brush Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 04 Apr Vol 09 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 05 May Vol 09 |
Ink-Paintings | Two Abstract Ink Paintings | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 05 May Vol 09 |
Vanessa Coward's Ink Paintings | On Exhibition at the New Art Center Gallery | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 05 May Vol 09 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 06 Jun Vol 09 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1962 09 Sep Vol 09 |
Cover: Year of the Serpent | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 01 Jan Vol 12 |
Cover: Drawing of a Tree | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 02 Feb Vol 12 |
Cover: Drawing of a Dog | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 04 Apr Vol 12 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 05 May Vol 12 |
Cover: Chicks and Mother Birds | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 06 June Vol 12 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 07 July Vol 12 |
Cover: Circle | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 09 September Vol 12 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 10 October Vol 12 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1965 12 December Vol 12 |
Drawing: Abstract, mountains, buildings, trees | Drawing | Lamp, Peeter | Drawing | 1969 02 Feb Vol 16 |
Cover: The Year of the Boar 1971 | Year of the Boar | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 01 Jan Vol 18 |
Cover: Tulips | Tulips | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 03 Mar Vol 18 |
Cover: Rabbit | Rabbit | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 04 April Vol 18 |
Cover: Bird | Bird | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 05 May Vol 18 |
Cover: Bird Stands Still Rock Moves | Bird Stands Still Rock Moves | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 07 July Vol 18 |
Cover: Abstract Drawing | Abstract Drawing | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 08 August Vol 18 |
Cover: "I never said I was the dog of the year!" | Dog Quote | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 09 September Vol 18 |
Cover: Horse | Horse | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 11 November Vol 18 |
Cover: Photograph Portrait of Sokatsu Shaku | Sokatsu Shaku | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1971 12 December Vol 18 |
Cover: Trees, by Vanessa Coward | Drawing of trees, by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Drawing | 1980 06 Jun Vol 27 |
Cover: Where are You? Staring at what's before you. | Drawing by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Drawing | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
Cover: Threading the Needle, Drawing by S. Morningstar | After a 15th Cent. drawing by Chuan Chinko | Morningstar, S. | Drawing | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
People Walking, Karma Walking, Buddha Nature Walking | Drawing by ? | Coward, Vanessa | Drawings | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
When I was a Child | I made daily notes of my dreams | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dreams | 1954 11 Nov Vol 01 |
Tea Talk: That Way -- Danger | Experimental use of drugs "neo-zen" | Farkas, Mary | Drugs | 1962 10 Oct Vol 09 |
Books: The Development of Chinese Zen | A text book about early Zen in China | Editor | Dumoulin, S. J. | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: The dying moment is of great significance | "When a man is dying, he speaks…" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Dying | 1960 02 Feb Vol 07 |
Cover: Ear | Close-up of an Ear | McAddams, Cyn | Ear | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Los Angeles Hearald: An end to Zen? | Zen, not drug-deranged flower children | Echard, Stephen | Echard, Stephen | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
A World of Mutual Respect | We cling to this petty, egocentric self | Asahina Sogen | Ego | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XI, Lecture 1 | Eightfold noble path and 10 Precepts | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Eightfold Path | 2008 02 Spring Vol 56 |
Sokei-an Says: The eighthfold path. | The practice by which one attains enlightenmebnt | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Eighthfold Path | 1969 08 Aug Vol 16 |
Legendary Encounters | Asahina Sogen visits with Albert Einstein | Editor | Einstein, Albert | 1954 08 Aug Vol 01 |
Conversations with Farkas | Sokei-an's Dharma brothers | Hackney, Sandy | Eizan Roshi | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Mu ain't nothing but a hound dog | Drawing by Susan Morningstar | Morningstar, S. | Elivs Presley | 2005 03 Summer Vol 52 |
Sokei-an Says: The Great Ocean | The two goals of Buddhism | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Emancipation | 1965 03 Mar Vol 12 |
Three Ways of Emancipation | Emancipation through clothing, food, etc. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Emancipation | 1965 06 June Vol 12 |
Soothill Says: Pratimoksha | 250 Commandments for Monks in Vinaya | Soothill | Emancipation | 1969 09 Sep Vol 16 |
Letter From Kyoto | Audience with the Chinese Emperor | Sasaki, Ruth | Emperor | 1960 08 Aug Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says "The harmful view of Empitness" | Men who do not believe in law of causation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Emptiness | 1957 10 Oct Vol 04 |
For an indentification of Soyen-Shaku and Engaku-ji | CAT'S YAWN referenced | Editor | Engaku-ji | 1957 04 Apr Vol 04 |
The World of Enlightenment | The state of enlightenment is totally different | Asahina Sogen | Enlightenment | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: The Foundation of Buddhism | The foundation of Buddhism: enlightenment | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Enlightenment | 1958 11 Nov Vol 05 |
The Adventure of the Mind | Interpersonal Relations | Sitzman, Arthur | Enlightenment | 1961 10 Oct Vol 08 |
Sokei-an Says: Seats Himself | Rinzai's Enlightenment | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Enlightenment | 1971 07 July Vol 18 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | No such thing as enlightenment | Haskel, Peter | Enlightenment | 1980 06 Jun Vol 27 |
Sokei-an Says: Principles of Buddhism, II | Alaya Vijnana, Vedana, Enlightenment | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Enlightenment | 1981 09 Sep Vol 28 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Penetrating understanding | Haskel, Peter | Enlightenment | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 7 | Coversion to enlightenment | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Enlightenment | 1985 08-09 Aug-Sep Vol 32 |
Conversations with Farkas | The Quest for Enlightenment | Farkas, Mary | Enlightenment | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter VII, 1 | Profound understanding is outside words | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Enlightenment | 1987 11 Nov Vol 34 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 43rd Lecture May 20, 1939 | Gold smelted from ore | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Enlightenment | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 12 | Parable of Epidatta, Sun and Moon | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Epidatta | 1986 07 Jul Vol 33 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 16 | Parable of Epidatta, Sun and Moon | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Epidatta | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
The Baby's Name is Eve Strickman | Fran Bahi's new baby Eve Strickman | Editor | Eve Strickman | 1980 04 Apr Vol 27 |
The Five Eyes | Five kinds of eyes: Nikugen, Tengen, etc. | Times, Kosei | Eyes | 1969 09 Sep Vol 16 |
Faith | Faith cannot be carried by force | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Faith | 1958 09 Sep Vol 05 |
Faith | Faith in Art and Faith in Religion | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Faith | 1965 08 August Vol 12 |
Rinzai Record | It is difficult for Students to have Faith | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Faith | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
Sasaki Family Crest | Family Crest of the Sasaki Family | Hide Oshiro | Family Crest | 1958 07 Jul Vol 05 |
Early Memories, by D. T. Suzuki | D. T. Suzuki's father and grandfather | Suzuki, D. T. | Family Lineage | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Cover: Photo of Mary Farkas, Circa 1918 | Mary Farkas as a young girl | Editor | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
From the Editor: 10th Anniversary of Mary Farkas's passage | Lamp's Discussion of this issue's contents | Lamp, Peeter | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Mary on Sokei-an | Farkas's job of preserving Sokei-an's talks | Editor | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Meowless | Photo of Mary Farkas and cat | Editor | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Photos of Mary Farkas Dancing | Farkas Dancing | Editor | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Teacher in a Box | Clowning around with Farkas | Lamp, Peeter | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
The Dragon Mamma Shuffle | A giant in size 4 shoes | Lamp, Peeter | Farkas, Mary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Cover: Nicholas Farkas, Filmmaker | Nicholas Farkas on a film shoot | Editor | Farkas, Nichol. | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Obituary: Nicholas Farkas 1890-1982 | Nicholas Farkas let the FZIA in his home | Editor | Farkas, Nichol. | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Editor's Note: Credits Omitted | Nicholas Farkas photo credit | Munkacsi, Muky | Farkas, Nichol. | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
Inside the FZI, XII The Power of Gold | Angela Kaufman and Father Divine | Farkas, Mary | Father Divine | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
From The Great Natural Way | Parental Guidance | Seki, Hozen | Father, Mother | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | People want to fight with each other | Hackney, Sandy | Fighting | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
A Treasury Note | Zen Notes $68 in the Red due to error | Farkas, Mary | Finances | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
A Note from the Editor | We are ending 1985 with a balance | Farkas, Mary | Finances | 1985 12 Dec Vol 32 |
Baby Talk | "More, more" | Editor | Finger Pointed | 1958 04 Apr Vol 05 |
Cover: Fingers | A pair of fingers | McAddams, Cyn | Fingers | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
Cover: Fire Lilies | Photo by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Fire Lotus | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Meditation at Twilight | Picture and Poetry by Peeter Lamp | Peeter Lamp | Fire Lotus | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
February 15, 1954 | Twenty-fourth Anniversary of the FZIOA | Editor | First Zen Inst | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
On the occasion of our twenty-fifth anniversary | The First Zen Institute is 25 Years Old | Editor | First Zen Inst | 1955 03 Mar Vol 02 |
Wooden Fish Drum | Fish has five sense organs, but no mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Fish Drum | 1957 01 Jan Vol 04 |
When I Was Very Young -- Five Desires | Food, Sex, Wealth, Fame, Sleep | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Desires | 1959 07 Jul Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: The Five Eyes | Physical, Deva, Wisdom, Dharma, Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Eyes | 1965 12 December Vol 12 |
Sokei-an Says: The Fox in the Well | Five Supernatural Powers | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Powers | 1961 07 Jul Vol 08 |
The Five Precepts | Five precepts prior to meditation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Precepts | 1969 08 Aug Vol 16 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | The Five Ranks of Lord and Retainer | Haskel, Peter | Five Ranks | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
The Five Schools of Zen | Hogen, Ummon, Rinzai, Tosan, Ikyo | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Schools | 1956 10 Oct Vol 03 |
The Foothills of Rinzai Roku | Excerpt from Holding the Lotus to the Rock | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Schools | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
Rupaskanda | Rupa, Vedana, Samjna, Samskara, Vijana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1960 05 May Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: The Five Skandhas | Five shadows or spheres | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1960 06 Jun Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: The Five Skandhas, Part 2 | The last, or Vijnana-skandha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1960 07 Jul Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: The Five Skandhas | Five groups of aggregates | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1969 01 Jan Vol 16 |
A Commentary of the Sixth Patriarch's Sutra | Five Skandhas are the main column… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1969 02 Feb Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: The Five Skandhas and the Three Worlds | Five Skandhas correspond to Three Worlds | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1969 02 Feb Vol 16 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 2 | Discipline, Samadhi, Wisdom, Liberation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Five Skandhas | 1985 03 Mar Vol 32 |
Like a Rhinoceros | Retires into his solitude like a Rhinoceros | Haskel, Peter | Flaubert, Gustav | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
Cover: Peonies | Oriental picture of Peonies, in black & white | Editor | Flowers | 1955 07 Jul Vol 02 |
Cover: Flowers in Black and White | Japanese style painting for the cover. | Editor | Flowers | 1955 12 Dec Vol 02 |
Flowers in Vase | Drawing by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Flowers | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Cover: Winter Flowers sipping wine in summer bloom | Flower arrangement by Chamaiporn Shaefer | Shaefer, Chama. | Flowers | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Cover: Flowers in the Zendo | The Zendo at the First Zen Institute | Schaefer, Ferang | Flowers | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
Flowers in the Zendo | The Zendo at the First Zen Institute | Editor | Flowers | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
Photos of flowers at the First Zen Institute | Japanese flower arrangements | Schaefer, Ferang | Flowers | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 39th Lecture | The Sky has no Flowers | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Flowers | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
City Sights--fountain and four glass skyscrapers | The fountain doesn't know it's raining | Storm, John | Fountain | 1983 04 Apr Vol 30 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 20th Lecture Nov 1938 | Water, Fire, Wind Earth | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Four Elements | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
Record of Lin-Chi (Rinzai)June, 1935 | The King has laid the dust of battle beyond | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Four measures | 1983 04 Apr Vol 30 |
Sokei-an Says: Four Principles of Buddhism | Anitya, Anatman, Nirodha, Akasa | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Four Principles | 1959 10 Oct Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: The Sixth Patriarch | The Four Vows and the Sixth Patriarch | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Four Vows | 1955 06 Jun Vol 02 |
The Four Vows | Four Vows: Commentary and Calligraphy | Miura Roshi | Four Vows | 1955 06 Jun Vol 02 |
The meaning of the four vows | Q & A with Nyogen Senzaki | Senzaki, Nyogen | Four Vows | 1958 06 Jun Vol 05 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 6 | The Four Vows | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Four Vows | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 7 | The gates of dharma are manifold… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Four Vows | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
News From Abroad | Dr. George B. Fowler returns from Australia | Editor | Fowler, George | 1954 10 Oct Vol 01 |
Cover: Photograph of George Fowler | Historian George Fowler | Singer, J.M. | Fowler, George | 1962 11 Nov Vol 09 |
From Admont to Zen | The World of Historian George Fowler | Singer, Yvonne | Fowler, George | 1962 11 Nov Vol 09 |
Sokei-an Says: The Fox Crying in the Night | The Zen Eye on the Agamas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Fox Crying | 1961 08 Aug Vol 08 |
Sokei-an Says: The Idiot and the Fox | The Zen Eye on the Agamas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Fox Crying | 1961 09 Sep Vol 08 |
Sokei-an Says: Compensation | The Zen Eye on the Agamas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Fox Crying | 1961 10 Oct Vol 08 |
A Message From France | "Amis du Bouddhisme" | Lounsbery, G.C. | France | 1956 07 Jul Vol 03 |
Book Noted: Echoes from the Bottomless Well, by Franck | Frederick Franck on the Bottomless well | Farkas, Mary | Franck, Fred. | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
Freud and Buddha: Two Physicians of the Mind | Comparison of Freud and Buddha | Pashenz, Howard | Freud | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
A Comparison of Freudian and Buddhist Throught - II | Comparison of Freud and Buddha | Pashenz, Howard | Freud | 1983 09 September Vol 30 |
Freud, Buddha and Kohutian Self-Psychology | Mary Reinhardt replies to Howard Pashenz | Reinhardt, Mary | Freud | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Correction | Mary Reinhardt on Freud | Reinhardt, Mary | Freud | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Wisdom and Compassion in the Freudian and Buddhist | Wisdom and Compassion | Analyst | Freud | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Cover: Frog | Frog | Editor | Frog | 1966 03 Mar Vol 13 |
Frog, by Susan Morningstar | Frog Drawing | Morningstar, S. | Frog | 2006 04 Fall Vol 54 |
Cover: Fruit in an Empty Bowl | Fruit in an Empty Bowl | Editor | Fruit and Bowl | 1966 06 Jun Vol 13 |
Inside the FZI -- A House and a Chair | 1929 Stock market crash | Editor | FZIA Expenses | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
At This Very Moment | Finding a successor for Sokei-an | Editor | FZIOA History | 1956 03 Mar Vol 03 |
The Oath of Mankind | "Keeping calm and composed…" | Hisamatsu, Prof. | Gakudo-Dojo | 1958 03 Mar Vol 05 |
The True Self | "A chicken emerging from its egg…" | Hisamatsu, Prof. | Gakudo-Dojo | 1958 03 Mar Vol 05 |
The Great Tao Has No Gate | The Gate of True Buddhism Always Closed | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Gate | 1955 09 Sep Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says: Three Gates | Mind, Thoughts, and Body | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Gates | 1971 04 April Vol 18 |
A Message From Germany | A Zen Buddhist Mission | Wang-Tsing-Lung | Germany | 1956 07 Jul Vol 03 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Ghosts | If you know that ghosts don*t exist | Sasaki, Joshu | Ghosts | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
Cover: Giant Buddha, photo by Christmas Humphreys | Giant Buddha photo by Ch. Humphreys | Humphreys, Ch | Giant Buddha | 1983 07 July Vol 30 |
Zen Notes Gift Subscriptions | Zen Notes Subscriptions | Editor | Gift Subscription | 1955 11 Nov Vol 02 |
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by James Shapiro | Giving and Receiving | Shapiro, Jim | Giving | 1985 11 Nov Vol 32 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Zen Practice | Essence of Religion | Sasaki, Joshu | God | 1971 07 July Vol 18 |
You Will Attain Enlightenment | The goal of meditation is to see God | Asahina Sogen | God & Buddha | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
Dwight Goddard -- the Yankee Buddhist, excerpt | Dwight Goddard's life story | David Starry | Goddard, Dwight | 1980 07 Jul Vol 27 |
Inside the FZI I, a Letter from Dwight Goddard | Letter from Dwight Goddard to Ruth | Farkas, Mary | Goddard, Dwight | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
Cover: Photo of Dwight Goddard's Shrine Room | Photo given to Ruth Sasaki by Goddard | Hackney, Sandy | Goddard, Dwight | 1981 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 2 A Buddhist Bible | A Buddhist Bible and Ruth Sasaki letters | Goddard, Dwight | Goddard, Dwight | 1981 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 3 | Goddard letters to Ruth Everett Sasaki | Goddard, Dwight | Goddard, Dwight | 1981 04 Apr Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 4 | More letters from Goddard to Ruth Sasaki | Goddard, Dwight | Goddard, Dwight | 1981 05-06 May-Jun Vol 28 |
Tea Talk Hour | Sokei-an visits Dwight Goddard in Vermont | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Goddard, Dwight | 2000 03 Summer Vol 47 |
Sokei-an Says: The Goldsmith | The Zen Eye on the Agamas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Gold | 1961 11 Nov Vol 08 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 40th Lecture; April 29, 1939 | Famous Metaphore of Gold | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Gold | 2006 04 Fall Vol 54 |
Conversations with Farkas | Sokei-an's Dharma brothers | Hackney, Sandy | Goto Roshi | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.02 | The Gozan System | Haskel, Peter | Gozan System | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.03 | Chinese Influence, Japanese Transformation | Haskel, Peter | Gozan System | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.07 | The tatchu system and Gozan Zen | Haskel, Peter | Gozan Zen | 2005 03 Summer Vol 52 |
Martha Graham on breathing | Release and Contraction | Kisselgoff, A. | Graham, Martha | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Three Conditions Are Important | Faith, "Great Ball of Doubt" and Courage | Asahina Sogen | Great Doubt | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Great doubt and great enlightenment | Haskel, Peter | Great doubt | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
Mr. Money Writes | New Years greetings from Norman Money | Money, Norman | Greetings | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Letters to the Editor | The importance of grieving as a teacher | Diament, John | Grieving | 1987 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 34 |
Editor's Note: | Hackeney's short but promising art career | Lamp, Peeter | Hackney | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
Sokei-an: Bringing Nirvana …. | Poem about Sokei-an Sasaki | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Haigiography | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
Obituary: Yoshito Hakeda, 1924-1983 | Columbia's Professor Hakeda, Sensei | Haskel, Peter | Hakeda, Yoshito | 1983 10 October Vol 30 |
Book Noted: Penetrating Laughter, Hakuin's Zen and Art | Book by Kazuaki Tanahashi | Storm, John | Hakuin | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Cover: Calligraphy by Hakuin: "A bowl of delicious soup..." | Soup ruined by two lumps of ratshit | Hakuin Zenji | Hakuin | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Cover: Cartoon by Jim Shapiro -- 1-week Meditation Contest | Noted by Hakuin in "Wild Ivy" | Farkas, Mary | Hakuin | 1986 08 Aug Vol 33 |
Tales of Hakuin's Followers | "Tales From the Forest of Thorns" | Myoki Seiteki | Hakuin | 2008 02 Spring Vol 56 |
Cover: Demon Miso | From "The Religious Art of Master Hakuin" | Haskel, Peter | Hakuin Art | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Book Noted: "The Religious Art of the Zen Master Hakuin" | By Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, Norman Wadell | Haskel, Peter | Hakuin Art | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Demon Doing Zazen | From "The Religious Art of Master Hakuin" | Haskel, Peter | Hakuin Art | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
The Japanese Zen Master Hakuin Ekaku | Life story of Hakuin Ekaku Zenji | Sasaki, Ruth | Hakuin Zenji | 1957 07 Jul Vol 04 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen, the Living Religion of Japan, II | Zazen Wasan, or chant of Hakuin Zenji | Farkas, Mary | Hakuin Zenji | 1965 07 July Vol 12 |
From the City of Hong Kong | "One day, Master Han Shan…" | Luk, Charles | Han Shan | 1957 03 Mar Vol 04 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Hands | Posture for Hands | Sasaki, Joshu | Hands | 1971 06 June Vol 18 |
Kanzan and Jitoku (Han-Shan and Shih-te) | Collection of William C. Segal | Segal, William | Han-Shan | 1962 12 Dec Vol 09 |
Tanden, Source of Spiritual Strength | Breathe from the Tanden and Hara | Kongo Roshi | Hara or Tanden | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
Cover: The "El," by Rudolph Hasler | Art photo: the "EL" | Editor | Hasler, Ronald | 1981 11 Nov Vol 28 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XI, Lecture 4 | Commentary: "Use it but do not Name it" | Haskel, Peter | Heart | 2008 04 Fall Vol 56 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | Naivete of men's minds | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Heaven | 1980 12 Dec Vol 27 |
Sokei-an Says: The Messenger of Hell | Demons and dead spirits in hell | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hell | 1962 02 Feb Vol 09 |
Abbe Arthur Mugnier on Hell | Hell exists but no one is in it | Storm, John | Hell | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Stepping Out -- Philippe Petite Highwire Act | Philippe Petite at the Museum of CNY | Shapiro, Jim | Highwire Act | 1984 11 Nov Vol 31 |
New Wine | Distinction between Hinayana vs. Mahayana | Editor | Hinayana | 1955 01 Jan Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says: Mahayana and Hinayana | Catholic versus Protestant | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hinayana | 1958 08 Aug Vol 05 |
Sokei-an Says: The Four Fruits of the Practice of Hinayana | To enter the stream of sacred life, etc. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hinayana | 1969 04 Apr Vol 16 |
The Practice of the Hinayana | Discussion of the Hinayana | Farkas, Mary | Hinayana | 1969 04 Apr Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: Mahayana-Hinayana aspects of Buddhism | Three Buddhisms | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hinayana | 1981 05-06 May-Jun Vol 28 |
Comings and Goings -- Claire Stampfer, Mike Hotz | Hotz, Michael; Stampfer, Claire | Editor | Hippocratic Oath | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
Living Zen | Professor Hoseki Shinichi Hisamatsu | Editor | Hisamatsu | 1958 03 Mar Vol 05 |
Obituary: Hoseki Shinichi Hisamatsu | Aesthete and disciple of Kitaro Nishida | Editor | Hisamatsu | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
A Note On Pure Land | Pure Land Budshism | Haskel, Peter | Honen Shonin | 1980 04 Apr Vol 27 |
Conversations with Farkas | Speak Your Mind | Hackney, Sandy | Honesty | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
Correction: True population of Hong Kong is 2.5 Million | Population of Hong Kong is 2.5M, not 1.0M | Editor | Hong Kong | 1957 05 May Vol 04 |
Book Noted: Zen Culture, By Thomas Hoover | Zen Culture, Random House, 1977 | Farkas, Mary | Hoover, Thomas | 1980 01 Jan Vol 27 |
Cover: Year of the Horse | Horse-head drawing | Editor | Horse | 1966 01 Jan Vol 13 |
Cover: Late, Late Fall; Winterscape, Hsia Kuei, China ~ 1200 | Chinese Painting | Editor | Hsia Kuei, China | 2000 04 Fall Vol 47 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter VII, 2 | The Sixth Patriarch flees his pursuers | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hui Neng | 1987 12 Dec Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter VI, 18 | Hui-Neng was the founder of the Zen school | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hui-neng | 1987 04 Apr Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 32 | Last words of the Sixth Patriarch | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hui-neng | 1987 05 May Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X | Pride in the Sixth Partriarch's teaching | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hui-neng | 1987 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 34 |
Cover: Embalmed Body of the Sixth Patriarch -- died in 713 | Embalmed Sixth Partiarch 1957 Photo | Luk, Charles | Hui-neng | 1987 08 Aug Vol 34 |
Editor's Note: Embalmed bodies at Nan-Hua Monastery | Embalmed 6th Patriarch and others | Farkas, Mary | Hui-neng | 1987 08 Aug Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 34 | When the Sixth Patriarch died | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hui-neng | 1987 08 Aug Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 32 | Severing the head of the Sixth Patriarch | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Hui-neng | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Sokei-an Says: The Human Mind | New York City is nothing but thought | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Human Mind | 1958 09 Sep Vol 05 |
Sokei-an Says: What is a Human Being? | In youth the Buddha hated the human world | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Human World | 1966 03 Mar Vol 13 |
The Teaching of the Great Sixth Patriarch, Chapter III | Polite in behavior and modest in thought | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Humility | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
The Perils of Translation | "East Gradual Zen Rathole!" | Editor | Humor | 1958 06 Jun Vol 05 |
Zen Humor | Dinah Shore Show | Editor | Humor | 1958 08 Aug Vol 05 |
Cover: Christmas Humphreys, photo from The Middle Way | Photo of C. Humphreys, by N. Battye | Humphreys, Ch | Humphreys, Ch | 1983 05-06 May-Jun Vol 30 |
Obituary: Christmas Humphreys, 1901-1983 | Gentle Judge, Eccentric Buddhist | Farkas, Mary | Humphreys, Ch | 1983 05-06 May-Jun Vol 30 |
More on Mr. Humphreys and Correspondence with M.F. | Humphrey's correspondence with M. F. | Farkas, Mary | Humphreys, Ch | 1983 07 July Vol 30 |
Twelve Principles of Buddhism | Twelve Principles of Buddhism | Humphreys, Ch | Humphreys, Ch | 1983 07 July Vol 30 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: I, me, my, mine | I, Me, My, Mine | Sasaki, Joshu | I, Me, Mine | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Book Noted: Book about Ikkyu, by Jim Sanford (Pages) | Numerous quotes from Ikkyu | Sanford, James | Ikkyu | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Poems by Ikkyu, Translated by Peter Haskel | Poems by Ikkyu | Haskel, Peter | Ikkyu | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Cover: Crows in the Winter Sky | Muromachi Ear Painting by Ikkyu | Ikkyu | Ikkyu Painting | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
Zen Master Ikkyu's Funeral For a Cat | Cat Funeral painting plus poem | Ikkyu | Ikkyu Painting | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
Bankei and his World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.16 | Ikkyu Sojun at Daitokuji | Haskel, Peter | Ikkyu Sojun | 2008 02 Spring Vol 56 |
Letter from Kyoto: Ikkyu-ji | Descriptions of Ikkyu-ji | Sasaki, Ruth | Ikkyu-ji Temple | 1961 07 Jul Vol 08 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | A golden ball smashed to pieces | Haskel, Peter | Illumination | 1981 05-06 May-Jun Vol 28 |
Sokei-an Says: This Sutra … is very long for one lecture | Impurities of the Human Mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Impurities | 1960 08 Aug Vol 07 |
Oie-Ryu School of Incense Appreciation | 500 Varieties of Japanese Incense | Editor | Incense School | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Cover: Indra's Net | Indra's Net | Editor | Indra's Net | 1955 11 Nov Vol 02 |
Indra's Dominion | Indra's Dominion on top of Mount Sumeru | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Indra's Net | 1955 11 Nov Vol 02 |
The Metaphor of Indra's Net | Indra's net is composed of many jewels | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Indra's Net | 1955 11 Nov Vol 02 |
Twenty-Five Koans, Selected and Translated by Sokei-an 10 | "How many years has passed" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Isan, Kyozan | 2010 02 Spring Vol 58 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 14th Lecture | Illusory mind must be eradicated | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Isolation | 2000 01 Winter Vol 47 |
Cover: Isshu Miura Roshi 1903-1978, by Muki Munkasci | Photo of Isshu Mirua Roshi by a disciple | Munkasci, Muki | Isshu Miura | 1984 10 Oct Vol 31 |
Inside the FZI, 7 | Iwami's request to Sokatsu for Sokei-an | Editor | Iwami | 1981 09 Sep Vol 28 |
Letter from Kyoto: Izumo Shrine | Shinto Shrine Izumo | Sasaki, Ruth | Izumo Shrine | 1962 04 Apr Vol 09 |
Letter from Kyoto | Ruth F. Sasaki returns to Tokyo | Sasaki, Ruth | Japan | 1959 06 Jun Vol 06 |
Japan: The Official Guide | 1000-page work by the Japan Travel Bureau | Editor | Japan | 1956 11 Nov Vol 03 |
The Japanese Religious Sense | Astounding polytheism with many gods | Farkas, Mary | Japan Religions | 1966 02 Feb Vol 13 |
Letter from Kyoto: "Luxury Boom, Leisure Boom, Instanto.." | Japanese society is changing | Sasaki, Ruth | Japan; Kyoto | 1961 09 Sep Vol 08 |
Japanese Vocabulary | Tokonoma, obasan, ojisan, Kancho, Kesa | Editor | Japanese | 1954 01 Jan Vol 01 |
Japanese Vocabulary | Sho-nen: right mind, right attitude | Editor | Japanese | 1954 12 Dec Vol 01 |
Japanese Calligraphy for "Isshu" | Buddhist Name Isshu means "One Vehicle" | Miura Roshi | Japanese | 1955 10 Oct Vol 02 |
Letter from Kyoto | Japanese cultural influence on Zen | Sasaki, Ruth | Japanese | 1958 02 Feb Vol 05 |
Good and Bad, Story of Mr. A. | Collapse of the Japanese-American bank | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Japanese bank | 1960 05 May Vol 07 |
Letter from Kyoto | Spring in Japan | Sasaki, Ruth | Japanese Spring | 1958 06 Jun Vol 05 |
Book Noted: Abandonment to Divine Providence | Christian French Jesuit Mystic | Storm, John | Jesuit Mystic | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Book Noted: Pioneers, O Pioneers! | First reports by Jesuit Missionaries | Editor | Jesuits | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi -- Spring Encounter | Joshu Sasaki Roshi dancing with Vanessa | Farkas, Mary | Joshu Sasaki | 1980 07 Jul Vol 27 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Temple Pedagogy | Clean floor, wash bowl | Farkas, Mary | Joshu Sasaki | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Why did Joshu Sasaki Roshi Go To Norway? | Brief bio and first encounter with J.S. Roshi | Wandrup, Frederik | Joshu Sasaki | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 9 | Joshu's Mu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Joshu's Mu | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Letter from Kyoto: Judo and Zen | Jiu-jitsu versus Judo in Japan | Kamenetz, Geor. | Judo | 1965 09 September Vol 12 |
Conversations with Farkas | "Schizophrenic" personalities | Hackney, Sandy | Jung | 1980 08 Aug Vol 27 |
Goings and Comings | Azuma Kabuki Dancers and Musicians | Editor | Kabuki Theater | 1954 04 Apr Vol 01 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | Arada Kalama and Udraka Ramaputra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Kalama, Arada | 1957 01 Jan Vol 04 |
The Three Worlds, Part I | Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, Arupadhatu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Kamadhatu | 1959 05 May Vol 06 |
Cover: Japanese photo of 1000 Armed Kannon | From the medieval period | Farkas, Mary | Kannon | 1984 04 Apr Vol 31 |
Takuan's Senju - 1000 Armed Kannon | Every person who has realized Mind | Haskel, Peter | Kannon | 1984 04 Apr Vol 31 |
Shih-Kung and San-p'ing, Tokyo National Museum | Kano Motonobu (1476-1559) | Editor | Kano Motonobu | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Isshu Miura Roshi brings a kansho bell from Japan | A Kansho bell from Daitokuji | Editor | Kansho Bell | 1956 03 Mar Vol 03 |
The Three Awakenings | The Zen Poet Kanzan | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Kanzan | 1962 12 Dec Vol 09 |
Bankei and his World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.17 | Myoshinji's Founding Priest Kanzen Egen | Haskel, Peter | Kanzen Egen | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Sokei-an Says: Karma | Vipaka-vijnana and the five ways | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Karma | 1957 08 Aug Vol 04 |
The Law of Cause and Effect, as Taught by the Buddha | Talk at the World's Parliament of Religions | Shaku, Soyen | Karma | 1970 02 Feb Vol 17 |
Karma | The idea of Karma existed before Buddhism | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Karma | 1970 07 Jul Vol 17 |
Karma | Karma is really action for a purpose | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Karma | 1970 09 Sep Vol 17 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 48th Lecture June 28, 1939 | Karma and Transmigration | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Karma | 2008 04 Fall Vol 56 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XII, Lecture 2 | Evil Karma of the Five Nefarious Crimes | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Karma, Evil | 2010 02 Spring Vol 58 |
Sokei-an Says: From one of the early lectures | Lecture given Wednesday, April 26, 1933 | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Kashmir | 1981 07 Jul Vol 28 |
Book Noted: The Diary of Roshi Jiyu Kennet | One woman's ordeals in a Soto Monastery | Farkas, Mary | Kennett, Jiyu | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
Inside the FZI, 8 | Audrey Kepner, a retired school teacher | Editor | Kepner, Audrey | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Photos of Inayat Khan and Samuel Lewis | Khan and Lewis interactions with Senzaki | Hotz, Michael | Khan, Inayat | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Admonitions, by Isshu Miura Roshi | Kikan 'Admonitions', Zenkan Sakushin | Miura, Isshu | Kikan | 1959 02 Feb Vol 06 |
Zen Eye on the Agamas | Asoka restores all remnants of the Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | King Asoka | 1960 04 Apr Vol 07 |
The Knower, the God of Buddhism | Christians Say that Buddhism not a religion | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Knower | 1961 03 Mar Vol 08 |
Ketter from Kyoto: Japanese Characters for the work "Koan" | Calligraphy for the word: "Koan" | Farkas, Mary | Koan | 1965 10 October Vol 12 |
Myohon On the Koan | Excerpt from "The Zen Koan" | Miura, Isshu | Koan | 1965 10 October Vol 12 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | Koan: Bodhidharma and the Emperor | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi says: Joshu's Mu | Joshu's Mu, from a taped Teisho | Sasaki, Joshu | Koan | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
The Record of Lin-Chi | Mahakashyapa twirls a flower | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Seeing the horns over the fence, one knows there is an ox. | Hekigan-roku, case 1 | Farkas, Mary | Koan | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Book Noted: The Iron Flute, by Nyogen Senzaki | The Iron Flute is a collection of 100 koans | Storm, John | Koan | 1985 12 Dec Vol 32 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 10 | Before Father and Mother what were you? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
Twenty Five Zen Koans: 05. February 5, 1938 | Tennen burning the Wooden Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 2006 04 Fall Vol 54 |
Twenty-Five Koans, Selected and Translated by Sokei-an 06 | Offer your alms to an empty-minded monk | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 2007 01 Winter Vol 55 |
Twenty-Five Koans, Selected and Translated by Sokei-an 07 | Chosha was enjoying the moonlight | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
Nansen's Cat | Cat Drawing by Peeter Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Koan | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Twenty-Five Zen Koans, Eighth Koan, February 26, 1938 | If you work for me, plowing the rice field… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Twenty-Five Koans, Selected and Translated by Sokei-an 11 | What would you say if I didn't carry a thing? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Twenty-Five Koans, Selected and Translated by Sokei-an 12 | Tosotsu's Three Barriers | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koan | 2010 04 Fall Vol 58 |
Book Noted: The Koan: Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism | Koan practice in Zen Buddhism | Haskel, Peter | Koan Texts | 2000 04 Fall Vol 47 |
Book noted: A Zen Forest, Sayings of the Masters | Zen Koans and capping phrases | Haskel, Peter | Koan Zen | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
When I Received the First Koan | When we think of our koan | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
The Sailing Boat Koan | Stop the boat on the distant ocean | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1955 10 Oct Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says: Kyogen and the broken tile | Upon the clatter of a broken tile…. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1956 09 Sep Vol 03 |
"Baso Doitsu was living in Dembo-in. Everyday he…." | Koan: Polishing a tile to make a mirror | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1957 09 Sep Vol 04 |
Mumonkan, Case 44 | "If you had a staff, I would give you a staff… | Mumon | Koans | 1958 07 Jul Vol 05 |
My First Koan | Sokei-an working on his first koan | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1969 10 Oct Vol 16 |
Sokei-an' Lives | Before Father and Mother What Were You? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
The Thirty-Three Holy Marks of Buddha | The 33 Holy Marks is a koan | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 1970 10 Oct Vol 17 |
Book Noted: The Warrior Koans, Early Zen in Japan | Trevor Leggett on 100 odd Kamakura koans | Storm, John | Koans | 1986 09 Sep Vol 33 |
Books Noted: Zen Sand: the Book of Capping Phrases | Capping Phrases for Koan Practice | Haskel, Peter | Koans | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Sokei-an's wood carving: the Koan | Photo of Sokei-an's statue "The Koan" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Twenty-five Zen Koans, First Koan, January 8, 1938 | The 2nd Patriarch questioned Bodhidharma | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Book Noted: Zen Vines Zen Koans of the Shumon Kottoshu | Thomas Yuho Kirchner on Koans | Haskel, Peter | Koans | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
Twenty Five Zen Koans: 02. January 15, 1938 | Shakya and Miroku are slaves of another | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
Twenty Five Zen Koans: 03. January 22, 1938 | The Layman P'ang Came to Ma Tsu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Twenty Five Zen Koans: 04. January 29, 1938 | Kyogen threw a piece of broken tile | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Koans | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
The Final Instructions of Daito Kokushi | Final Instructions of National Teacher | Kokushi, Daito | Kokushi | 1971 03 Mar Vol 18 |
Korean Buddhist Wan Kasa Temple | Dr. Oh with 20 students visit FZIOA | Editor | Korean Buddhist | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Cover: Kosen Imakita (1816-1892) | Photo of Kosen Imakita | Farkas, Mary | Kosen Imakita | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
Recollections of Kosen | D. T. Suzuki's teacher | Haskel, Peter | Kosen Imakita | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Cover: Kyogen Sweeping the Ground | Cover art by Sengai, Poem by D.T. Suzuki | Editor | Kyogen | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
With this issue of Zen Notes…. | Letter from Kyoto | Sasaki, Ruth | Kyoto | 1955 09 Sep Vol 02 |
Letter from Kyoto | Drawing by William Briggs | Farkas, Mary | Kyoto | 1966 01 Jan Vol 13 |
A Japanese Woman | Ruth Sasaki in Japan, 1949 | Farkas, Mary | Lady Otani | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Diamond Space | Vajradhatu, Diamond Space | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Laotzu | 1966 02 Feb Vol 13 |
From the Editor: An old worthy with a frog on his head | Apologies for this very late issue | Lamp, Peeter | Late issue | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Everybody laugh out loud | Everybody laugh out loud | Sasaki, Joshu | Laughter | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Mumon Yamada Roshi on Lay Practice | Paradise -- the aim of life is to enjoy | Storm, John | Lay Practice | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Zen Stories: The Passing of Layman P'ang | Death of Layman P'ang | Lamp, Peeter | Layman P'ang | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
Cover: Ma-tsu answering Layman P'ang | Unknown 13th Century Chinese Artist | Editor | Layman P'ang | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Guide for Buddhist Laymen | The Buddhist Information Centre, Ceylon | Editor | Laymen | 1969 07 Jul Vol 16 |
Photo: Sokei-an's Lectern | Lecture Platform & Chair used by Sokei-an | Editor | Lectern | 1966 06 Jun Vol 13 |
Letter from Kyoto Mailing details | Send $1 for a 1-Year Subscription to Letter.. | Editor | Lett. from Kyoto | 1959 06 Jun Vol 06 |
Letter to the Editor | From L.P. Yandell, Reply Howard Pashenz | Yandel, L.P. | Letter | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
New England Journal of Medicine on out-of-body experiences | Out-of-body experiences; Autoscopy | Chandler, Ian R. | Levitation | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | Life and Death | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Life and Death | 1966 08 Aug Vol 13 |
Life-And-Death, III | Dialog between Buddha and Shariputra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Life and Death | 1966 10 Oct Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: The Coral Tree | Stages of life and spiritual practice | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Life Stages | 1969 05 May Vol 16 |
Rinzai Record | Attaining Real Understanding | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Life-and-Death | 1970 01 Jan Vol 17 |
Correction From Mt. Baldy | Humor -- "Turn on the light" | Joshu Sasaki Ros | Light | 1980 01 Jan Vol 27 |
Back in Stock: The Record of Lin Chi | The Record of Lin Chi is back in stock | Sasaki, Ruth F. | Lin Chi | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
Record of Lin-Chi (Rinzai) 6/19/1935 | Take away you, surroundings, both, neither | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Lin Chi | 1983 03 Mar Vol 30 |
Record of Lin-Chi (Rinzai) February, 1942 | Four Measures-Take away the surroundings | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Lin Chi | 1983 05-06 May-Jun Vol 30 |
"The Book of Rinzai Frontspiece", Portrait of Rinzai | Translated by Eido Shimano | Haskel, Peter | Lin Chi | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Books Reviewed: "The Book of Rinzai" | Translated by Eido Shimano | Haskel, Peter | Lin Chi | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
To Encourage the Study of the Orthodox Sect of Rinzai Zen | The Lineage, Three Treasures and Precepts | Goto Roshi | Lineage | 1955 09 Sep Vol 02 |
Lion Drawing and Poem | "If I met Rinzai in the garden…" | Peeter Lamp | Lion | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Legends | Dog legends in China and Japan | Editor | Lion-dog | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | Strangers have always done things for me | Hackney, Sandy | Little Lady | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
London Vihara Revisited | Teravadin Tradition in London | Schwarz, Robert | London Vihara | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
A Note of Apology | Long Arm running in Japan | Farkas, Mary | Long Arm | 1986 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 33 |
Books: Lotus Sutra | Lotus Sutra English Translation | Farkas, Mary | Lotus | 1971 07 July Vol 18 |
The Record of Lin-Chi, Discourse X | Lotus Sutra: Parable of the Burning House | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Lotus Sutra | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
Zen Stories: Ma Tsu and Shih-Kung | Ma Tsu and Shih-Kung | Editor | Ma Tsu | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Note From the Editor: Zen Notes Mailing List | Removing non-subscribers from the list | Farkas, Mary | Mailing List | 1987 12 Dec Vol 34 |
The Record of Lin-Chi, Discourses IX Part 2 | Manjusri, the god of wisdom | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Manjusri | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
The Record of Lin-Chi | The Bodhisattva Manjusri | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Manjusri | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
Cover: Scroll of Manjusri | Gifted to the First Zen Institute | Tudor, Anthony | Manjusri | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Married Zen | Married Zen | Sasaki, Joshu | Married Zen | 1984 10 Oct Vol 31 |
Cover: Bob Schaefer in Martial Arts Training | Martial Arts Training: Bob Schaefer | Schaefer, Robert | Martial Arts | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Editorial aside | Platinum MasterCard for Sokei-an Sasaki | Editor | MasterCard | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Q & A with Sokei-an | What are the rules for meditation? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mediatation | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Prove It! | In our youth, we practice meditation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Meditation | 1955 10 Oct Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says: Meditation Not Prayer | Do Buddhists Pray? Prepared by Fowler | Fowler, George | Meditation | 1966 04 Apr Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: Teaching American Ladies to Meditate | Teaching Meditation: Humor | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Meditation | 1966 06 Jun Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: Anapanasati | Four different kinds of meditation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Meditation | 1969 05 May Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: Attain True Understanding | Stages of Understanding | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Meditation | 1971 02 Feb Vol 18 |
Very Late Rat News | told mice: you've been here for generations | Gempo Roshi | Mice | 1984 12 Dec Vol 31 |
When I was a Child | Understand the mechanics of the mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: When you practice zazen | Mind and its surroundings | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1955 10 Oct Vol 02 |
The Outer House and the Inner House | Objective world and Subjective world of mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1956 06 Jun Vol 03 |
Repose of Mind | No mystery in authentic Dharma | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1956 07 Jul Vol 03 |
Sokei-an Says: What is original mind? | "Is our mind not the original one?" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1957 01 Jan Vol 04 |
Sokei-an Says: Seeing Through the Other's Mind | The art of seeing through the other's mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1957 06 Jun Vol 04 |
Running Water | Mind Eye | Sasaki, Sokei-an | mind | 1971 01 Jan Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: True Dharma | True Dharma | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 1971 10 October Vol 18 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 3 | The Samadhi of singleness of mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | mind | 1983 10 October Vol 30 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 23rd Lecture Dec 1938 | The mind also consists of 4 great elements | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Creating a mind on top of your mind | Haskel, Peter | Mind | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
When I was a Child | I didn't like to keep my bird in a cage | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind activity | 1954 03 Mar Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: Purify Your Mind | A method for cleaning the mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind cleaning | 1965 08 August Vol 12 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 38th Lecture | Cleanse the filth of your mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind Filth | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Mind Stuff | Separate your mind-stuff from your mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind stuff | 1965 09 September Vol 12 |
Conversations with Farkas | Monitoring your own system | Hackney, Sandy | Mindfulness | 1981 07 Jul Vol 28 |
Sokei-an Says: Mindlessness | At the battle front, under fire | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mindlessness | 1965 06 June Vol 12 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 6 | Formless, Mindless, Abodeless | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mindlessness | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 7 | When you understand Dharmakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mindlessness | 1984 03 Mar Vol 31 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XII, Lecture 3 | Before Father and Mother what were you? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mind-Stuff | 2010 04 Fall Vol 58 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 22nd Lecture Dec 1938 | …the pure and clear mirror… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mirror | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Miura Tea Notes | Excepts from Miura Roshi Tea notes | Hotz, Michael | Mirua Roshi | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.12 | Missan Zen, Kamben, Gozan, Rinka | Haskel, Peter | Missan Zen | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.13 | Missan Zen, Kamben, Gozan, Rinka | Haskel, Peter | Missan Zen | 2007 03 Summer Vol 55 |
Bankei and His World, Part II: Missan Zen | Missancho: Secret Oral Transmission | Haskel, Peter | Missancho | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
Notes: A stern letter from Kyoto | Information missing from May, 1956 ZN | Editor | Missing detail | 1956 06 Jun Vol 03 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 8 | American missionary women in Japan | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Missionaries | 1984 04 Apr Vol 31 |
The Zazenkai will Journey to Newark Airport | Arrival of Ruth Sasaki and Isshu Miura Roshi | Editor | Miura Roshi | 1955 03 Mar Vol 02 |
Living Zen | Isshu Miura Roshi, A Biographical Sketch | Sasaki, Ruth | Miura Roshi | 1955 04 Apr Vol 02 |
April 20, 1956 | Isshu Miura Roshi departs from LaGuardia | Editor | Miura Roshi | 1956 05 May Vol 03 |
Cover: Isshu Miura Roshi photo | Isshu Miura Roshi's Birthday, 4-10-1956 | Muky Munkacsi | Miura Roshi | 1959 02 Feb Vol 06 |
A Cause for Celebration | Isshu Miura Roshi's arrival in New York | Editor | Miura Roshi | 1959 04 Apr Vol 06 |
The Four Vows | The Four Vows, with Calligraphy by Miura | Miura, Isshu | Miura, Isshu | 1960 01 Jan Vol 07 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Build an American Monastery | Build an American Zen Monastery | Joshu Sasaki Ros | Monastery | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Conversations with Farkas | Zen: the monsatic and community era | Hackney, Sandy | Monastic Zen | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Cover: Monju on Lion | Illustration in the Daihannya-Kyo, Nara | Editor | Monju on Lion | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
Year of the Monkey | Monkey people per Chinese Astrology | Farkas, Mary | Monkey | 1980 01 Jan Vol 27 |
Cover: Monkey | Lamp's drawing of a Monkey | Lamp, Peter | Monkey | 1980 12 Dec Vol 27 |
Monkeys | Drawing by Susan Morningstar | Morningstar, S. | Monkeys | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Sokei-an Says: The Shape of Mind | Maudgalyayana and the Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Monsters | 1962 06 Jun Vol 09 |
Cover: Mountain and Moon | Mountain and Moon | Editor | Moon | 1966 05 May Vol 13 |
Cover: NASA Photo of the Moon | The Moon above the Earth's atmosphere | NASA | Moon | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
NASA: Morning Star | Photo courtesy of NASA | NASA | Morning Star | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
When You Were In Your Mother's Bosom | You did not exist to yourself | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mother | 1954 06 Jun Vol 01 |
The Record of Lin-Chi | Teisho on the | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mt. Sumeru | 1980 01 Jan Vol 27 |
Mu | Calligraphy word: "Mu" | Editor | Mu | 1955 07 Jul Vol 02 |
Cover: Mu | Calligraphy for Chinese "Mu" | Editor | Mu | 1966 11 Nov Vol 13 |
Katsuki Sekida, from Zen Training | Mu is the first Koan of Zen | Sekida, Katsuki | Mu | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Cover: A Shingon Monk from Mt. Koya | Monk shows bud and full flowering mudras | Editor | Mudras | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | Failed Farkas mugging attempt | Hackney, Sandy | Mugging | 1980 04 Apr Vol 27 |
Mumonkan 24, As Variously Translated | Translations by Blyth vs. Miura and Sasaki | Blyth, R.H. | Mumonkan | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
Koan: Mumonkan 2, Hyakujo's Fox | Commentary on Hyakujo's Fox | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mumonkan 2 | 1965 04 Apr Vol 12 |
Letter from Kyoto: The Origin of Zen | "Buddha Twirls a Flower", Mumonkan 6 | Goto Roshi | Mumonkan 6 | 1965 11 November Vol 12 |
Encounter of the Street: Mumonkan 36 | From "Zen, the Living Buddhism of Japan" | Fowler, George | Mumonkan 36 | 1965 10 October Vol 12 |
Book Noted: The Sword and the Mind, by Hiroaki Sato | Translation of Munenori on swordsmanship | Storm, John | Munenori | 1986 07 Jul Vol 33 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.05 | Zen in the Muromachi Period | Haskel, Peter | Muromachi | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.06 | Vertical Lineage and Gozan Zen | Haskel, Peter | Muromachi | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.08 | The Decline of the Gozan | Haskel, Peter | Muromachi | 2006 01 Winter Vol 54 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.09 | Fragmentation | Haskel, Peter | Muromachi | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.10 | The Politics of Succession | Haskel, Peter | Muromachi | 2006 04 Fall Vol 54 |
Bankei and His World | Zen in the Muromachi Period | Haskel, Peter | Muromachi | 2010 02 Spring Vol 58 |
Picture of Muso Kokushi | Picture property of Tenryuji | Haskel, Peter | Muso Kokushi | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.04 | Muso Soseki and his Line | Haskel, Peter | Muso Soseki | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Myokonin, Reprinted from Buddhist Temple of Chicago Bull. | Myokonin: the person rare as a lotus flower | Saito, Gyoko | Myokonin | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
Bankei and his World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.18 | Myoshinji versus Daitokuji Rivalry | Haskel, Peter | Myoshinji | 2008 04 Fall Vol 56 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Zen Shugyo | Zen Shugyo: One room, one cup | Farkas, Mary | Myoshin-ji | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
The Record of Lin-Chi, Discourses IX 6/19/1935 | Mystery in the Mystery, body and word | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Mystery | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Sokei-an Says: No Name | Naming Phenomena | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Name | 1971 06 June Vol 18 |
Cover: Nanshinken Roshi | Photo from the First Zen Institute's Files | Editor | Nanshinken | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Nanshinken | Miura reminisces about his teachere | Mirua Roshi | Nanshinken | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Letter from Kyoto: Nanzenji | Monks and meditation at Nanzenji | Sasaki, Ruth | Nanzenji | 1962 11 Nov Vol 09 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Listen with your naval | Listen with your naval | Storm, John | Naval | 1982 08 Aug Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | People who are enormously judgmental | Hackney, Sandy | Neurotic people | 1981 04 Apr Vol 28 |
New Year | New Year's Day in Japan | Sasaki, Ruth | New Year | 1954 01 Jan Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says "The New Year" | "We must begin our life anew…" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | New Year | 1958 01 Jan Vol 05 |
Letter from Kyoto: Happy New Year | 12 years celebrating New Year's in Kyoto | Sasaki, Ruth | New Year | 1962 02 Feb Vol 09 |
New Year Greeting | Buddhist Temple of Chicago New Years' | Kubose, Gyomay | New Year | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Downtown: Sunday Morning Nonsense, by Sokei-an | That soft morning feeling in New York | Sasaki, Sokei-an | New York | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
Conversations with Farkas | First 18 months of a child's life | Hackney, Sandy | Newborn child | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
Nirmanakaya | Nirmanakaya symbolized: Avalokiteshvara | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirmanakaya | 1965 05 May Vol 12 |
Rinzai Record | …do not search for IT in the outer world… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirmanakaya | 1970 05 May Vol 17 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 14 | Nirmanakaya, Samyak-Sambodhi | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirmanakaya | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Sokei-an Says: Nirodha | Nirodha is Annihilation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirodha | 1962 05 May Vol 09 |
Sokei-an Says: Buddha's Buddhism | The State of complete annihilation: nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
Nirvana | Poem: Nirvana | Editor | Nirvana | 1955 03 Mar Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says "Nirvana" | Buddha's Death and Cremation stories | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 1958 02 Feb Vol 05 |
Sokei-an Says: The 7 Abiding Places of Consciousness, II | Nirvana, Rupadhatu, Arupadhatu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 1962 10 Oct Vol 09 |
Sokei-an Says: Nirodha | The way of reaching the state of Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 1969 12 Dec Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: The Buddha's Death | Buddha entering Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 1971 02 Feb Vol 18 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 41st Lecture May 6, 1939 | The prescription is not the medicine itself | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 2007 01 Winter Vol 55 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 42nd Lecture May 14, 1939 | Your deluded mind is your own imagination | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 45th Lecture June 3, 1939 | The Buddha's Ocean of Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nirvana | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
The Zen Eye: Nishidana | Nishidana story, reconstructed by Haskel | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Nishidana | 1970 07 Jul Vol 17 |
Came to Tea: Jisho Niwa Roshi of Koonji, Japan | Niwa Roshi, successor to Isshu Miura | Niwa, Jisho | Niwa Roshi | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
A Farewell Visit | Niwa Roshi visits the First Zen Institute | Hotz, Michael | Niwa Roshi | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
No Purpose 1938 | Asamskrta, Sanskrit for "No Purpose" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | No-Purpose | 1959 09 Sep Vol 06 |
Norway | Editor Mary Farkas' Trip to Norway | Farkas, Mary | Norway | 1971 09 September Vol 18 |
Joshu Saski Roshi Says: Mu | Joshu's Mu | Sasaki, Joshu | Nothingness | 1971 09 September Vol 18 |
A Novice at Nanzen-ji | Becoming a monk at a Rinzai Zen Sodo | Miura Roshi | Novice Monk | 1955 07 Jul Vol 02 |
People: Walter Nowick left for Japan | Music and Zen in Japan | Editor | Nowick, Walter | 1954 02 Feb Vol 01 |
April 12, 1955 at the Imperial Palace | Walter Nowick will perform for the Emperor | Editor | Nowick, Walter | 1955 04 Apr Vol 02 |
Book Noted: Diary of a Zen Nun, by Nancy Amphoux | Deshimaru Roshi, Cancer and Sesshin | Storm, John | Nun, Buddhist | 1986 08 Aug Vol 33 |
Cover: The Pierpont, a Condominium for Connoisseurs | Condominiums from $143,000 to $437,000 | Farkas, Mary | NY Real Estate | 1983 12 December Vol 30 |
Army Helps Train Workers in Japan | Stint Molds Employees in Classic Virtues | Farkas, Mary | NY Times | 1966 03 Mar Vol 13 |
Monkey Talk Noted on the Front Page of the NY Times | Monkey year draws to a close | Editor | NY Times | 1980 12 Dec Vol 27 |
Mr. Money Writes | Koan from Nyogen Senzaki | Money, Norman | Nyogen Senzaki | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
Mickey Stunkard on Obesity at the NY Academy of Medicine | Stunkard speaks on Obesity | Stunkard, Mickey | Obesity | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
Obituary for Edna Kenton | Treasurer and Historian of the First Zen Inst | Editor | Obituary | 1954 03 Mar Vol 01 |
Memoir of a Modern Zen Master: Shaku Sokatsu | Obituary of Shaku Sokatsu, 1869-1954 | Sasaki, Ruth | Obituary | 1954 10 Oct Vol 01 |
Death of a Senior Sangha Member | "Baroness" Asta Dorpowska | Editor | Obituary | 1955 04 Apr Vol 02 |
Steve Tichachek | An enthusiastic member of First Zen | Farkas, Mary | Obituary | 1961 09 Sep Vol 08 |
Obituary: Neville Dennan Fowler | Younger son of George Fowler | Farkas, Mary | Obituary | 1961 10 Oct Vol 08 |
Obituary: William Lindsay Gresham | A member of the First Zen and also AA | Farkas, Mary | Obituary | 1962 10 Oct Vol 09 |
Dr. R. H. Blyth Dies | A man who "Lived a life of poetry." | Farkas, Mary | Obituary | 1965 02 Feb Vol 12 |
Zuigan Goto Roshi Obituary | Goto Roshi Calligraphy & Painted fan | Goto Roshi | Obituary | 1965 04 Apr Vol 12 |
Obituary: Lawrence B. Chrow | Obituary Lawrence Chrow | Farkas, Mary | Obituary | 1971 01 Jan Vol 18 |
In Memorium: Memorial Service for Yoishido Hakeda | Haskel speaks at Riverside Church | Haskel, Peter | Obituary | 1985 08-09 Aug-Sep Vol 32 |
Tudor Dies, by Mary Farkas | Tudor on Zen and Dance | Farkas, Mary | Obituary | 1987 05 May Vol 34 |
Lynne Marie Aston | The sudden loss of Lynne Aston | Editor | Obituary | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi Dead at 80 | Obituary of Kyudo Roshi | Chandler, Ian | Obituary | 2008 02 Spring Vol 56 |
Master Sheng Yen Dies at 79 | From Chan Magazine, Spring 2009 | Guogu | Obituary | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Letter from Kyoto: "Zen, the Living Buddhism of Japan" | Book by Chikudo Ohasama | Farkas, Mary | Ohasama | 1965 06 June Vol 12 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Old ladies becoming Bodhisattva | On Old Ladies becoming bodhisattvas | Sasaki, Joshu | Old Ladies | 1983 08 August Vol 30 |
Grandma Ling | Fu Pei defeated by an old woman | Editor | Old woman | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
The Way to Tai Shan | "I have checked her attainment for you." | Editor | Old woman | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
Turning the Wheel | Turn the wheel of the Tripitaka | Editor | Old woman | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
The Community of Monks | The Buddhist community of monks | Malalasekera, Dr. | Order of monks | 1969 11 Nov Vol 16 |
Cover: Before your original face, who was your father… | Abstract design with flowers & radiator | Lamp, Peeter | Original Face | 2005 03 Summer Vol 52 |
Original Face | Poem from Gospel According to Thomas | Lamp, Peeter | Original Face | 2005 03 Summer Vol 52 |
"Ox Vanishes" Picture by Susan Morningstar | Drawing by Susan Morningstar | Morningstar, S. | Ox | 2008 01 Winter Vol 56 |
Drawings | Ink Paintings | Lamp, Peeter | Paintings | 1966 08 Aug Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: Paramita | The Sacred Eightfold Path | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Paramita | 1957 09 Sep Vol 04 |
Sokei-an Says: The Six Ways to Nirvana | The Six Paramitas & Russo-Japanese war | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Paramitas | 1965 02 Feb Vol 12 |
Sokei-an Says: What are the Ten Paramitas? | Ten Paramitas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Paramitas | 1971 08 August Vol 18 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Buddha's peace movement | Buddha's Peace Movement | Sasaki, Joshu | Peace | 1983 07 July Vol 30 |
Cover: Penguins | Penguins | Editor | Penguins | 1966 02 Feb Vol 13 |
The Perfect Man | Is the moonprint on water a perfect circle? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Perfect Man | 1956 05 May Vol 03 |
From the Editor: (good old fashioned Gut Zen) | Persimmon leaf in better shape than paper | Editor | Persimmon | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Animal Trainers -- Butchie | Learning from a pet dog | Storm, John | Pets | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
First Zen Institute New Telephone Number | (212) 686-2520 | Farkas, Mary | Phone Number | 1984 11 Nov Vol 31 |
Cover: The Bears | The Bears, an award winning photograph | Chrysanthem | Photo award | 1983 03 Mar Vol 30 |
Cynthia McAdams Rising Goddess | Nudes in Nature Reception at Parson's | Editor | Photo Exhibit | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Cynthia McAdams Rising Goddess | Photo exhibit at Parson's Jan 5-27 | Editor | Photo Exhibit | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Cover: George, Dr. Fran and Phyllis Bahi | Phyllis as a newborn and 1 year old | Mulfeld, Stanley | Phyllis Bahi | 1984 11 Nov Vol 31 |
Photos of Phyllis Bahi in the First Zen Institute offices | Phyllis Bahi with Farkas, Schaefer | Mulfeld, Stanley | Phyllis Bahi | 1984 11 Nov Vol 31 |
Dancing with Words: Red Pine's Path in to Buddhism | The spirit of a good translation | Hamric, Roy | Pine, Red | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
The Raccoons | Raccoons by Manus Pinkwater | Farkas, Mary | Pinkwater | 1965 08 August Vol 12 |
How Does It Feel To Be A Buddhist | Disciple of Reverand Piyatissa | Schwarz, Robert | Piyatissa | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
The Little Review: A Magazine of the Arts | I Go To Visit a Semi-God | Li Po | Poem | 1962 10 Oct Vol 09 |
Two Month page of Unknowing | Poem by Lamp | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Back Page: Drawing and poem | "While the beasties debate who should…" | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Cover: Persimmon Leaf with Calligraphy | "The work goes on hammering and forging.." | Senzaki, Nyogen | Poem | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Back Page: Drawing and poem | "Neither cat nor dog…" | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
Back Page: Drawing and poem | "I've jumped from Buddha's palm…" | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
Back Page: Drawing and poem | "It's my year…surely I can sit for another…" | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Cover Art: Portraits of the Layman P'ang | Translation of the cover picture's poem | Yu-chi Chih-Hui | Poem | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Picture and Poem | Riding the legless horse…. | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Big-eared Psycho Bunny | Poem | Lamp, Peeter | Poem | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
Translations of Poems: Zenrin Kushu | English Translations of Zenrin Kushu Poems | Hubbell, Lindley | Poems | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
Poems written on a Fan | Poems translated by Somei Tsuji | Sokatsu, Shaku | Poems | 1954 10 Oct Vol 01 |
Book noted: From the Country of Eight Islands --. Poetry | Anthology of Japanese Poetry | Haskel, Peter | Poetry | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
Where is Paradise? | Young poet visits First Zen Institute | Shapiro, Jim | Poetry | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Book Noted: A Masao Masuto Mystery | Zen Buddhist Police Detective | Farkas, Mary | Police Detective | 1982 08 Aug Vol 29 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Zen Practice | Why Practice | Sasaki, Joshu | Practice | 1971 08 August Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: Prajna | Zen strips you of everything | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Prajna | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
Prajna | Prajna is the Highest Consciousness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Prajna | 1970 04 Apr Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: Anuruddha and Hariti | Poem from the Samytta Nikaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Prajnaparamita | 1966 01 Jan Vol 13 |
The Magical Hannya | Magical Properties of the Hannya Shingyo | Farkas, Mary | Prajnaparamita | 1966 01 Jan Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: Pratyaya | Reciprocal relations | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Pratyaya | 1960 10 Oct Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: Prayer | Heavenly desire is prayer | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Prayer | 1966 01 Jan Vol 13 |
From the Great Natural Way | Buddhist Precepts | Seki, Hozen | Precepts | 1980 07 Jul Vol 27 |
Skip This if you Know the next 3 Precepts for Layfolk | 1 Do not kill. 2. Do not steal, etc. | Editor | Precepts | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
Predictions -- Recession, from the Wall Street Journal | Prediction of an end to the recession | Malabre, Alfred L. | Predictions | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Sokei-an Says: The Record of Hui-Neng | Dialogue with Prefect Wei Chu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Prefect Wei Chu | 1981 11 Nov Vol 28 |
Conversations with Farkas | Pretas and Hungry Ghosts | Hackney, Sandy | Pretas | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | They want to be professional Buddhists | Hackney, Sandy | Priests | 1981 05-06 May-Jun Vol 28 |
Sokei-an Says: The Foundation of Buudhist Practice | Three Basic Principles | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Principles | 1971 03 Mar Vol 18 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | Soul is the Earth, nature is the King | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Prometheus | 1980 11 Nov Vol 27 |
Walk-a-Shrink | "..man on recording has good shrink voice." | Mulfeld, Stanley | Psychoanalysis | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis Two Meditative Practices | Analysis differs from zazen | Pashenz, Howard | Psychoanalysis | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Sokei-an Says: Public and Private Life | Differences between public and pirvate life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Public Life | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 13 | Public life is like a highway | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Public Life | 1986 08 Aug Vol 33 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | The Sixth Patriarch on the Pure Land | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Pure-Land | 1980 06 Jun Vol 27 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 29th Lecture Jan 1939 | Purity and impurity | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Purity | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 26th Lecture Jan 20th 1939 | The Bodhisattva Samantanetra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Purity | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
Sokei-an Says: In a Jail of Purity | Monks purity versus Satori | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Purity of mind | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
Sokei-an Says: Purposelessness | Purposelessness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Purposeless | 1971 08 August Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: The Quiet Life | The Quiet Life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Quiet Life | 1954 01 Jan Vol 01 |
Excepts from Zen Notes Volume 1, No. 1 | Sokei-an says: The Quiet Life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Quiet Life | 2005 04 Fall Vol 52 |
Rabbit, by Susan Morningstar | Rabbit Drawing | Morningstar, S. | Rabbit | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
Rabbit, by Peeter Lamp | Drawing of a Rabbit | Lamp, Peeter | Rabbit | 2010 04 Fall Vol 58 |
Radios blaring away on the same station | Man and boy with radios on same station | Storm, John | Radios | 1982 09 Sep Vol 29 |
Conversations with Farkas | When rage rises | Farkas, Mary | Rage | 1983 04 Apr Vol 30 |
The Zen Eye: Rahula | Sutras about Rahula, the Buddha's son | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Rahula | 1970 01 Jan Vol 17 |
The Zen Eye: Rahula | Rahula leads after his father's death | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Rahula | 1970 02 Feb Vol 17 |
Book Noted: The Secret Message of Tantric Buddhism | Tantric Buddhism, by Pierre Rambach | Haskel, Peter | Rambach, Pierre | 1980 11 Nov Vol 27 |
Late Rat News | Pet rat saves a woman's life | Farkas, Mary | Rats | 1984 03 Mar Vol 31 |
A Ratcatcher's Report | Mice versus the Tenzo at First Zen Institute | Shapiro, Jim | Rats | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
The FZI Ratcatcher's Report, by Long Arm | Humorous battle with mice and rats | Shapiro, Jim | Rats | 1985 03 Mar Vol 32 |
Re: Rats | Rats eat enough food to feed 150 M people | Farkas, Mary | Rats | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
The FZI Ratcatcher's Report, by Long Arm | The rat chaser himself gets caught in a trap | Shapiro, Jim | Rats | 1985 05 May Vol 32 |
Late Rat News, by Long Arm | Rat letters to the editor | Shapiro, Jim | Rats | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Eugene O'Neil Theater | A Fool's Story | Wasilewski, Val. | Rats | 1985 08-09 Aug-Sep Vol 32 |
More Rat News | A one-foot long mouse on Park Avenue | Storm, John | Rats | 1985 08-09 Aug-Sep Vol 32 |
Cover: Cartoon by Jim Shapiro | Hakuin: "A wise mouse once told us…" | Shapiro, Jim | Rats | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
Recent Rat Alert | Grand Central Terminal Rat Alert | Farkas, Mary | Rats | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
Mets Call on Cats to Root Out Rats at Shea Stadium | Rat alert on East 30th Street | Farkas, Mary | Rats | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Last Rat News for 1986 | 10 Tons of Poisoned bait in Peking | Farkas, Mary | Rats | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
Q Rat News? | Rat outwits his pursuers, escapes | Farkas, Mary | Rats | 1987 04 Apr Vol 34 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 21st Lecture Nov 26, 1938 | Man's mind is originally in … reality | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Reality | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Biography: Mary Baylor Reinhardt | Mary Reinhardt, professional phychologist | Farkas, Mary | Reinhardt, Mary | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Buddhism Today: Rev. Sheu Yuen's relics | Like tiny crystal balls and pearls | Editor | Relics | 1960 02 Feb Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: Renouncer | Renouncing Worldly Ways | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Renounce | 1971 11 November Vol 18 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XII, Lecture 3 | Renouncers of home | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Renunciation | 2010 03 Summer Vol 58 |
Apropos of Bodhidharma | Translation of Bodhidharma Scroll | Reps, Paul | Reps, Paul | 1955 01 Jan Vol 02 |
Books: Zen Flesh, Zen Bones | 101 Zen Stories, The Gateless Gate, etc. | Editor | Reps, Paul | 1957 10 Oct Vol 04 |
California Style | A death at at dance event; Reps & Senzaki | Mo-Rin | Reps, Paul | 1959 03 Mar Vol 06 |
Book Noted: "Letters to a Friend," by Paul Reps | Paul Reps picture poems | Farkas, Mary | Reps, Paul | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
The Rhinoceros | "Walk alone, like a rhinoceros." | O'Haire, Hugh | Rhinoceros | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Book Noted: Zen Inklings | Donald Richie on Zen fables and sermons | Storm, John | Richie, Donald | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Errata: Rinzai was born in China, not Japan | Rinzai-"Lin-Chi" was from China, not Japan | Editor | Rinzai | 1956 01 Jan Vol 03 |
Sokei-an Says: The Record of Rinzai, No. 130 | Rinzai visits 500 Kinzan monks | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Rinzai | 1966 02 Feb Vol 13 |
Taste of Things to Come | The Record of Rinzai: our next project | Lamp, Peeter | Rinzai | 2000 03 Summer Vol 47 |
New Series, Old Season | Discovery of 2nd Rinzai Record Manuscript | Editor | Rinzai | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
Rinzai on the Cover: A copy of Daitoku-ji original | Cover pieced together from multiple scans | Editor | Rinzai | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
Cover: Rinzai Gigen, by Soga Jasoku | Handpainted Copy of 15th Century Original | Jasoku, Soga | Rinzai | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
The First Hundred or so Lectures on the Rinai Record | Notes kept by Audree Kepner | Farkas, Mary | Rinzai Record | 1970 01 Jan Vol 17 |
Sokei-an's Commentary Upon the Record of Rinzai | First Lecture, Chapter 1, Episodes 1 & 2 | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Rinzai Record | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
Sokei-an's Commentary Upon the Record of Rinzai | Second Lecture 3 Episodes 3 & 4 | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Rinzai Record | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Three-Hundred-Mile-Tiger, The Record of Lin-Chi, Vol X, 1&2 | Sokei-an's second translation of Rinzai | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Rinzai-Roku | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
O Sesshin | Rohatsu O Sesshin at Daitoku-ji | Sasaki, Ruth | Rohatsu | 1954 03 Mar Vol 01 |
More Roly-Polies | Floored 7 times -- Stand up 8! | Havana, Teresina | Roly-Polies | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
Romanization of Far Eastern names and terms | Varityper lacks diacritical marks | Editor | Romanization | 1960 07 Jul Vol 07 |
A Zen Note: The Veteran Director and Younger Actor | Nicholas Farkas and Ronald Reagan | Farkas, Mary | Ronald Reagan | 1984 12 Dec Vol 31 |
Cover: Ronald Reagan and Nicholas Farkas | Film director and actor | Unknown | Ronald Reagan | 1984 12 Dec Vol 31 |
Ode to Rooster Year | Where has my year gone?.... | Lamp, Peeter | Rooster | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
Rooster drawing by Susan Morningstar | Year of the Rooster | Morningstar, S. | Rooster | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
Chinese: Lao-shih; Japanese: Roshi | Chinese "Lao-shih" transliterated as "Roshi" | Editor | Roshi, Chinese | 1955 04 Apr Vol 02 |
Should Roshis be Regulated? An Opinion | Moral standards for zen masters | Storm, John | Roshis | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Poem by Rozan gaiju | "A wild gust of wind…" | Sasaki, Ruth | Rozan gaiju | 1960 07 Jul Vol 07 |
Cover: The Road is my Dojo -- Shapiro runs across Japan | Jim Shapiro shaking hands with newsman | Shapiro, Jim | Running | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Running | The four dignities -- all activities | Farkas, Mary | Running | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Letter from Kyoto -- Long Arm | Jim Shapiro writes from frigid temple room | Shapiro, Jim | Running Japan | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
On the Run Through Japan | Mountains, Graveyards, Shrines, Film | Shapiro, Jim | Running Japan | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Cover: Photo following Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Jim Shapiro departs for his Japan Run | Shapiro, Jim | Running Japan | 1986 07 Jul Vol 33 |
Running Across Japan | Hokkaido, Jizos, Mountains, Banana Trees | Shapiro, Jim | Running Japan | 1986 07 Jul Vol 33 |
Crossing the Japanese Alps, by Jim Shapiro | Mountains, tunnels, rain and television crew | Shapiro, Jim | Running Japan | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Book Noted: Meditations From the Breakdown Lane | Jim Shapiro's run from California to NY | Storm, John | Running Zen | 1985 11 Nov Vol 32 |
Cover: Jim Shapiro running across America | Jim Shapiro emerging from the landscape | Shapiro, Jim | Running Zen | 1985 11 Nov Vol 32 |
Cover: Ruth Sasaki with Cat | Photograph of Ruth Sasaki | Unknown | Ruth | 1971 10 October Vol 18 |
Cover: Ruth Everett and Georgia Foreman as nuns | Ruth attempts to convert socialite | Editor | Ruth Everett | 1981 04 Apr Vol 28 |
Editor's notes on 'Inside the FZI' | Ruth attempts to convert socialite | Farkas, Mary | Ruth Everett | 1981 04 Apr Vol 28 |
Conversations with Farkas | Ruth Fuller Sasaki after Sokei-an Died | Hackney, Sandy | Ruth Everett | 1982 08 Aug Vol 29 |
Editor's Note | Lecture taken from the notes of Ruth | Farkas, Mary | Ruth Everett | 1982 10 Oct Vol 29 |
Cover: Ruth Fuller Everett Sasaki | Ruth Sasaki in front of Ryosen-an | Kyoto Press | Ruth Sasaki | 1958 07 Jul Vol 05 |
Sokei-an's Lives | The Ryomokyo-kai | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Ryomokyo-kai | 1969 10 Oct Vol 16 |
The Buddha's Personality | The Buddha's followers saw him as a saint | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Saint | 1970 09 Sep Vol 17 |
Book Reivew: The Tibetan Buddhist Deck | Buddhist Saint Cards | Chandler, Ian R. | Saint Cards | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
Sokei-an Says: Consider the Mind of an Infant | Buddha founded his religion upon samadhi | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 1954 06 Jun Vol 01 |
To Encourage the Study of the Orthodox Sect of Rinzai Zen | True Samadhi, The True Sect | Goto Roshi | Samadhi | 1955 10 Oct Vol 02 |
Sokei-an Says: Formless Mind | The Samadhi of Formless Mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 1958 04 Apr Vol 05 |
Sokei-an Says: Perfume | You can feel someone's tranquility of mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 1959 05 May Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: The Three Samadhis | Shunyata, formlessness, no-supplication | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 1969 10 Oct Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: Principles of Buddhism, I | Sarva-jnana, Samadhi, Silence | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume X, No. 171 | The One place and the One deed | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 1986 05-06 May-Jun Vol 33 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 17th Lecture Oct 1938 | Samadhi of perfect awakening | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samadhi | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 15th Lecture | Samantabhadra's Question to Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samantabhadra | 2000 02 Spring Vol 47 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 18th Lecture Nov 1938 | Samantanetra's question | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samantanetra | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 32nd Lecture Mar 4, 1939 | Consciousness of Samantanetra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samantanetra | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Sokei-an Says: Sambhogakaya | Sambhogakaya symbolized: Samtabhadra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sambhogakaya | 1965 05 May Vol 12 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume V, No. 3 | Attaining the state of Sambhogakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sambhogakaya | 1984 10 Oct Vol 31 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 13 | A newborn baby ... Sambhogakaya is born | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sambhogakaya | 1986 09 Sep Vol 33 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter VI | Samboghakaya Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sambhogakaya | 1987 01 Jan Vol 34 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter VI, 13a | Q & A with Sokei-an | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sambhogakaya | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 19th Lecture Nov 1938 | Intense Meditation in the state of immobility | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samiyak-smrti | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 31st Lecture Feb 25, 1939 | Samsara and Nirvana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Samsara | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
From Our Lineage: The Story of Yamaoka Tesshu | Meiji era Swordsman; Shogun's Bodyguard | The Middle Way | Samurai | 2008 04 Fall Vol 56 |
Sandal-Gate Drawing | Drawing of Sandal hanging by the Gate | Peeter Lamp | Sandal Maker | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Zen Stories: Sandal Chen (a very poor man) | From Transmission of the Lamp | C. Chung-Yuan | Sandal Maker | 2002 01 Winter Vol 49 |
Departure of Miura Roshi | Twelve persons enter the sangha | Editor | Sangha | 1955 07 Jul Vol 02 |
Cover: Photo of Kepner, Platov and Kenton | Sangha members lined up in a row | Editor | Sangha | 1981 09 Sep Vol 28 |
The Zen Eye of the Agamas | Sariputra and the Noisy Monks | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sariputra | 1955 01 Jan Vol 02 |
Cover: Joshu Sasaki Roshi Photo Montage | Many intense sesshins with Sasaki Roshi | Editor | Sasaki Roshi | 2007 01 Winter Vol 55 |
Cover: Joshu Sasaki Roshi 21 years in America | Joshu Sasaki Roshi 21 years in America | Sasaki, Joshu | Sasaki, Joshu | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Do things yourself | Do things yourself, don't just watch them | Farkas, Mary | Sasaki, Joshu | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: The religious person's problem | The Religious Person's Problem | Lynn Bryce | Sasaki, Joshu | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Cover: Joshu Sasaki Roshi | 25 years of teaching in America | Sasaki, Joshu | Sasaki, Joshu | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Cover: Joshu Sasaki Roshi in the First Zen Sanzen Room | It's your own enlightenment | Sasaki, Joshu | Sasaki, Joshu | 1987 04 Apr Vol 34 |
Isshu Miura as Jikijitsu during a Nanzen-ji Sesshin in 1933. | Mrs. Sasaki sat well through Rohatsu | Miura, Isshu | Sasaki, Ruth | 1960 01 Jan Vol 07 |
Cover: Satiric Scroll by 12th Century Priest Toba Sojo | Model for human folly & pretense | Toba Sojo | Satire | 1985 08-09 Aug-Sep Vol 32 |
Sokei-an Says: Satori | The Buddha returned from Nairanjana river | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Satori | 1960 03 Mar Vol 07 |
Letter from Kyoto "What Zen Is" | Satori, Zen versus Religious Mysticism | Sasaki, Ruth | Satori | 1961 03 Mar Vol 08 |
Editor's Note | Sokei-an must have enjoyed this story | Editor | Satori | 1961 06 Jun Vol 08 |
Sokei-an Says: How to Attain Satori | The way of Zen is different from all others | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Satori | 1969 12 Dec Vol 16 |
Letter from Tokyo -- Scandals and Buddhist priests | Jewelry, night-clubs, fur coats, concubines | Farkas, Mary | Scandals | 1984 09 Sep Vol 31 |
Cover: Original creation of Rolando Dirube | Puerto Rican sculptor Rolando Dirube orig. | Ramirez, Rafael | Sculpture | 1985 12 Dec Vol 32 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 24th Lecture Jan 1939 | What is pure seeing? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Seeing | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Sokei-an Says: Emancipation | Buddhism is a Religion of self-realization | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Self-Realization | 1969 09 Sep Vol 16 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Study ourselves | The purpose of Zen is to study ourselves | Sasaki, Joshu | Self-study | 1985 05 May Vol 32 |
Summer Seminar on the Sutras, 1982 Cornell Univ. | Seminar on the Sutras, Cornell and Ithaca | Sasaki, Joshu | Seminar | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Seminar on the Sutras May 30 - June 29 | Seminar on the Sutras, Bodhi-Mandala | Sasaki, Joshu | Seminar | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
Portrait of Sengai by Saito Shuho | Portrait of Sengai from Shofuku-ji | Haskel, Peter | Sengai | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Sengai Stories | Humerous or unusual Sengai anecdotes | Haskel, Peter | Sengai | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
Sengai Stories | Sengai and the Mosquito net Thief, etc. | Haskel, Peter | Sengai | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
Sengai Stories, Part 3 | Master Sengai's Disguise, etc. | Haskel, Peter | Sengai | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
Picture: Sengai's Nirvana, by Saito Shuho | Picture in the possession of Shofuku-ji | Shuho, Saito | Sengai | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Sengai Stories, Part 4 | Sengai and the Merchant's Dilemma | Haskel, Peter | Sengai | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
A Senior Citizen Writes | My 25th Year as a Member of First Zen… | Sitzman, A. | Senior Citizen | 1970 07 Jul Vol 17 |
The Most Priceless Thing | Nyogen Senzaki on the head of a dead cat | LA Times | Senzaki Nyogen | 1956 02 Feb Vol 03 |
"Until 1956, when for the first time we offered flowers…" | "...Nyogen Senzaki's birthday is…" | Editor | Senzaki Nyogen | 1957 04 Apr Vol 04 |
"You have asked me to write about my past training…" | Nyogen Senzaki on his life story. | Senzaki, Nyogen | Senzaki Nyogen | 1957 04 Apr Vol 04 |
Mentorgarten | Soyen Shaku on Nyogen Senzaki | Shaku, Soyen | Senzaki Nyogen | 1957 04 Apr Vol 04 |
Tuesday Talk At Los Angeles Zendo, September 19, 1933 | "My ideal as a Buddhist monk…" | Senzaki, Nyogen | Senzaki Nyogen | 1957 04 Apr Vol 04 |
Obituary | Death of Nyogen Senzaki noted. | Editor | Senzaki Nyogen | 1958 05 May Vol 05 |
A Solitary Persimmon--Leaves from Life of Nyogen Senzaki | Reps, Farkas, Senzaki, Inayat Kahn | Hotz, Michael | Senzaki Nyogen | 2003 01 Winter Vol 50 |
A Solitary Persimmon--Leaves from Life of Nyogen Senzaki | Part two: Senzaki at Heart Mt., Wyoming | Hotz, Michael | Senzaki Nyogen | 2003 02 Spring Vol 50 |
A Solitary Persimmon--Leaves from Life of Nyogen Senzaki | Part three-Letters between Farkas, Senzaki | Senzaki, Nyogen | Senzaki Nyogen | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
O Sesshin Schedule | Schedule Posted for out-of-town members | Editor | Sesshin | 1954 03 Mar Vol 01 |
O-Sesshin | Monthly long Meditation | Editor | Sesshin | 1955 10 Oct Vol 02 |
Sesshin at Vanessa Coward's Country Estate | Six day Sesshin at Mt. Kisco, NY | Editor | Sesshin | 1959 08 Aug Vol 06 |
O Sesshin at Crowfields, Vanessa Coward's Mt. Kisco home. | First Zen Institute's first Sesshin, July 1959 | Farkas, Mary | Sesshin | 1959 12 Dec Vol 06 |
Sesshin -- Our first Rohatsu Sesshin with Isshu Miura | December 1-7, 1959 | Editor | Sesshin | 1960 01 Jan Vol 07 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin March 30 - April 5, at FZIOA | Joshu Sasaki Ros | Sesshin | 1980 01 Jan Vol 27 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin March 30 - April 5, at FZIOA | Joshu Sasaki Ros | Sesshin | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Sesshins with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin FIZ Oct 9-15, Beach Hill Oct 1-8 | Editor | Sesshin | 1980 08 Aug Vol 27 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi -- Corrections | FZI Sesshin October 2-8 | Editor | Sesshin | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
Spring Sesshin, with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, March 24-30 | Sesshin March 24-30 with Joshu Sasaki | Editor | Sesshin | 1981 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 28 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin at the FZI October 13-19 | Editor | Sesshin | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin at the FZI October 13-19 | Editor | Sesshin | 1981 09 Sep Vol 28 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin at the FZI March 15-21 | Editor | Sesshin | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin March 15-21, at FZIA | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1982 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 29 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, Ithaca Zen Center | Sesshin, Ithaca Jun 1-7, Jun 27-Jul 3 | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin October 1-7 at the FZIOA | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin March 19-25 at the FZIOA | Farkas, Mary | Sesshin | 1983 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 30 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin at the FZIOA 3-22-84 to 3-28-84 | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin October 17-23 at the FZIOA | Farkas, Mary | Sesshin | 1984 08 Aug Vol 31 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin October 17-23 at the FZIOA | Farkas, Mary | Sesshin | 1984 09 Sep Vol 31 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | No east coast sesshins scheduled so far | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin May 22-28 at the FZIOA | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1985 03 Mar Vol 32 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin May 22-28 at the FZIOA | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Sesshin October 24-30 at Princeton | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1985 10 Oct Vol 32 |
Sesshin in Princeton with Joshu Sasaki Roshi | Princeton Sesshin Nov. 13-19, 1986 | Sasaki, Joshu | Sesshin | 1986 09 Sep Vol 33 |
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, New Mexico, 1987 | Cartoon on Sasaki Roshi Sesshin | Shapiro, Jim | Sesshin | 1987 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 34 |
Book Noted: Only Don't Know and Bone of Space | Books by Seung Sanh | Storm, John | Seung Sahn | 1982 12 Dec Vol 29 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Sexual Encounters | Sexual Encounters of an animal kind | Sasaki, Joshu | Sex | 1985 12 Dec Vol 32 |
There are many references to animals… | The Lion's Roar | Editor | Shakespeare | 1958 01 Jan Vol 05 |
Editor's Notes: Shakespeare, Zen for bus drivers | Zen for bus and truck drivers, 6th Patriarch | Editor | Shakespeare | 1961 02 Feb Vol 08 |
"Wonderful, Wonderful and most wonderful wonderful!..." | Suzuki quoting from Shakespeare | Suzuki, D.T. | Shakespeare | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Correction: D.T. Suzuki as Soyen Shaku's translator | Not at the World's Parliament of Religions | Shaku Soyen | Shaku Soyen | 1959 05 May Vol 06 |
Cover: Soen Shaku (1859-1919) | Photo of Soen Shaku | Farkas, Mary | Shaku, Soen | 1987 11 Nov Vol 34 |
Cover: Photo of Soyen Shaku | Soyen Shaku at the World Parliament, 1893 | Shaku, Soyen | Shaku, Soyen | 1970 02 Feb Vol 17 |
Outline of Buddhism, 1937, Part One | Shakyamuni had an unhappy life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shakyamuni | 1960 10 Oct Vol 07 |
Outline of Buddhism, Part Two | The Buddha's aceticism & meditation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shakyamuni | 1960 11 Nov Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: Principles of Buddhism | The Buddhist Attitude Toward Daily Life | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shakyamuni | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Map of Modern India with Ancient Sites Marked on it | Historical sites visited by the Buddha | Chandler, Ian R. | Shakyamuni | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
The Historical Buddha | Historical record of the Buddha's Life | Chandler, Ian R. | Shakyamuni | 2002 03 Summer Vol 49 |
On another Sunday in 1935… | The Shala tree is like the white birch | Farkas, Mary | Shala Trees | 1961 06 Jun Vol 08 |
Tree Drawing | Shala trees | Editor | Shala Trees | 1961 06 Jun Vol 08 |
Letter from Kyoto: The Shamanism of Japan | Shinto and Shamanism | Farkas, Mary | Shamanism | 1965 12 December Vol 12 |
Shamans of the North | What shamans do and how to become one | Farkas, Mary | Shamanism | 1965 12 December Vol 12 |
Book Noted: Getting the Buddha Mind | Sheng-Yen on Getting the Buddha Mind | Storm, John | Sheng-Yen | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 5 | The Northern School and Shen-hsiu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shen-hsiu | 1983 12 December Vol 30 |
Cover: Shih-te with Broom | From the First Zen Institute's Library | Lamp, Peeter | Shih-te | 2010 02 Spring Vol 58 |
The Practice of Chihkuan | Shikan Meditation | H. Y. Li | Shikantaza | 1959 03 Mar Vol 06 |
Moon Visualization, a Gatha | Moon Meditation in the Shingon School | Haskel, Peter | Shingon School | 1983 12 December Vol 30 |
Cover: Homa plates being burned to fulfill wishes | Ceremony with Shinto Priests | Abe, Ryuichi | Shingon School | 1984 03 Mar Vol 31 |
Letter to Peter Haskel from Shingon Priest Ryuichi Abe | Homa Festival in Kyoto | Abe, Ryuichi | Shingon School | 1984 03 Mar Vol 31 |
From the Great Natural Way | Shinran Shonin: Shinjin, faith, compassion | Seki, Hozen | Shinjin | 1980 06 Jun Vol 27 |
The Great Natural Way | Shinran and the teaching of Amida Buddha | Seki, Hozen | Shinran | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Zen and the Religious Feeling | Faith in the Shinto God. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shinto | 1959 10 Oct Vol 06 |
The Way of the Gods | Shinto gods | Farkas, Mary | Shinto | 1966 03 Mar Vol 13 |
The Three Ways of Old Japan | Excepts from a Handbook of Modern Japan | Clement, Ernest | Shinto | 1987 10 Oct Vol 34 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Getting Angry | Haskel, Peter | Short-temper | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
Soothill Says: Shravaka and Pratyeka-Buddha | Dictionary Definitions | Editor | Shravaka | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: Tathagata-Garbha | Nothingness, Shunyata | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shunyata | 1971 05 May Vol 18 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 30th Lecture Feb 18, 1939 | "Luminous state of annihilation" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shunyata | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 56th Lecture Oct. 26, 1939 | Shunyata, nothingness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shunyata | 2010 04 Fall Vol 58 |
Sokei-an Says: The Eighteen Shunyatas | Shunyatas One Through Six | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shunyatas | 1971 09 September Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: The Eighteen Shunyatas | Shunyatas Seven Through Nine | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Shunyatas | 1971 11 November Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: The Buddha in the Shala Grove | Siddartha did not enjoy being a prince | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Siddartha | 1961 06 Jun Vol 08 |
The Zen Eye on the Agamas | Sila, Samadhi, Prajna, Vimukti | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sila | 1960 03 Mar Vol 07 |
Sokei-an Says: In the Four Agamas…. | Silence as an answer | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Silence | 1966 08 Aug Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: Life-and-Death, II | Mahakashyapa and Shariputra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Silence | 1966 09 Sep Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: The Samukta Agama | The Buddha answers in Silence | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Silence | 1966 10 Oct Vol 13 |
Silence | Silence accumulates like snow | Storm, John | Silence | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
More on Silence | Trip to a remote mountain lodge | Storm, John | Silence | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
Sokei-an Says: The Sixth Patriarch Says | Sixth Patriarch, Prepared by Edna Kenton | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sixth Patriarch | 1966 06 Jun Vol 13 |
Cover: Body of Sixth Patriarch at Ts'ao Ch'i | The Sixth Patriarch's mummified body | Editor | Sixth Patriarch | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter X, 22 | End of the Platform Sutra | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sixth Patriarch | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
Sixth Patriarch Working a Pestle | Art and Calligraphy, 17th Century | Kano Tan'yu | Sixth Patriarch | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
Sokei-an Says: The Shape of Meditation | The five skandhas | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Skandhas | 1959 07 Jul Vol 06 |
Getting it back | Experiences with giving up smoking | Storm, John | Smoking | 1982 02-03 Mar-Apr Vol 29 |
Coiled Snake, Drawing | Drawing by Susan Morningstar | Morningstar, S. | Snake | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Cover: Snow on Bamboo | Snow-covered bamboo in the back yard | Mulfeld, Stanley | Snow | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Cover: Cartoon, by Jim Shapiro | In Winter … the valley is covered with snow | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Snow | 1985 03 Mar Vol 32 |
Letter From Kyoto | Gary Snyder and many others | Sasaki, Ruth | Snyder, Gary | 1959 10 Oct Vol 06 |
Letter From Kyoto | Gary Snyder's Zen Buddhist wedding | Sasaki, Ruth | Snyder, Gary | 1960 04 Apr Vol 07 |
Cover: Soen Nakagawa Roshi | Soen Roshi in front of Bleecker Lake | Soen Roshi | Soen Roshi | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Obituary: Soen Roshi | Soen Roshi, 1907 - 1984 | Edo Roshi | Soen Roshi | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Soen Roshi's Last Teisho | Obaku seeing Rinzai asleep | Edo Roshi | Soen Roshi | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Two Encounters | Shunko -- "Spring Light" | Reinhardt, Mary | Soen Roshi | 1985 04 Apr Vol 32 |
Book Noted: The Sayings and Doings of Master Soen | The life of Soen Roshi, by Eido Roshi | Storm, John | Soen Roshi | 1987 01 Jan Vol 34 |
Omori Sogen Quote | Zen practice is revealed as art | Sogen, Omori | Sogen, Omori | 1984 07 Jul Vol 31 |
Sokatsu Shaku | Biography of Sokatsu Shaku | Fuju-an, Yuigaku | Sokatsu | 1971 12 December Vol 18 |
Cover: Sokei-an Sasaki as a young man | Sokei-an as a young man | Editor | Sokei-an | 1981 05-06 May-Jun Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 5 | Sokei-an in America 1916-1945 | Editor | Sokei-an | 1981 07 Jul Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 6 | Ruth invites Sokei-an to her Chicago home | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sokei-an letters | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 9 | Sokei-an's return to New York from Japan | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sokei-an letters | 1981 11 Nov Vol 28 |
Inside the FZI, 10 | In the quietude under the old "El" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sokei-an letters | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
Photo: Sokei-an as a young lay-monk | Sokei-an in Japan as a young lay-monk | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sokei-an Photo | 1969 01 Jan Vol 16 |
Cover: Death mask of Sokei-an Sasaki, 1882-1945 | Death mask of Sokeian | Farkas, Mary | Sokei-an Sasaki | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Publications: Holding the Lotus to the Rock | Autobiography of Sokei-an | Hotz, Michael | Sokei-an Sasaki | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Sokei-an's Lives: Subjective, Objective | When I was young, studying wood carving | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sokei-an's life | 1969 01 Jan Vol 16 |
Sokei-an's Lives: After my father's death | The death of Sokei-an's father | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sokei-an's life | 1969 02 Feb Vol 16 |
Conversations with Farkas | Playing the game of solitaire | Hackney, Sandy | Solitaire | 1980 07 Jul Vol 27 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: All Americans become Edisons | All Americans must become Edisons | Sasaki, Joshu | Solve problems | 1984 05-06 May-Jun Vol 31 |
Song of Zazen | Translation by Ruth Sasaki | Hakuin Zenji | Song of Zazen | 1957 07 Jul Vol 04 |
A Soto-Shu Monk | A monk from Soji-ji, Soto-Shu Headquarters | Sasaki, Ruth | Soto | 1954 04 Apr Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: The Individual and the Group Soul | Buddha is common to all sentient beings. | Editor | Soul | 1961 03 Mar Vol 08 |
Sokei-an Says: Soul | Unwritten Law | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Soul | 1971 05 May Vol 18 |
Record of Rinzai: Three Hundred Mile Tiger, Chapter X, No. 07 | The Soul is without form | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Soul | 2006 01 Winter Vol 54 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XI, Lecture 3 | Three Terms for "Soul" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Soul | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Buddhist Retreat Center of South Africa | Gavin Harrison investigates FZIOA | Editor | South Africa | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Letter from Kyoto | The transmission of Zen to America | Sasaki, Ruth | Soyen Shaku | 1959 03 Mar Vol 06 |
The Spinning Top | Pendle Hill Lecture by Prof. Hisamatsu | Hisamatsu, Prof. | Spinning Top | 1958 03 Mar Vol 05 |
Sokei-an Says: A Japanese in New York | Spiritual East vs. Material West | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Spiritual | 1966 05 May Vol 13 |
A Body-Centered Spirituality | First Zen's Bushmen Connection | Lamp, Peeter | Spirituality | 2004 02 Spring Vol 51 |
Noted by John Storm -- St. Francis de Sales | The Heart's repose: needing nothing | Storm, John | St. Francis | 1983 03 Mar Vol 30 |
St. Therese of Lisieux | You are wrong to criticize | St. Therese | St. Therese | 1987 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 34 |
The Zen Eye on the Agamas, Sokei-an Says: The Staff | From an old collection: "The Great Staff" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Staff | 1965 11 November Vol 12 |
Conversations With Farkas | Yoda from "The Empire Strikes Back" | Hackney, Sandy | Star Wars | 1980 12 Dec Vol 27 |
Cover: The Vow, carving by Sokei-an Sasaki | "The Vow," a wooden statue by Sokei-an | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Statue | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Ocean Mind | The amazing story of Reid Stowe | Hotz, Michael | Stowe, Reid | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Different Lessons -- Self Defense | Self Defense | Hackney, Sandy | Street fighting | 1980 04 Apr Vol 27 |
Letter from Kyoto | A foreign Zen Student in Kyoto, by Eryu | Sasaki, Ruth | Study in Japan | 1957 10 Oct Vol 04 |
Sokei-an Says: Real Existence | Objective and Subjective | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Subject-Object | 1962 07 Jul Vol 09 |
New to Zen Notes? | Subscription Information | Editor | Subscription | 1980 11 Nov Vol 27 |
New to Zen Notes? | Subscription Information | Editor | Subscription | 1980 12 Dec Vol 27 |
New to Zen Notes? | Subscription Information | Editor | Subscription | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
New to Zen Notes? | Subscription Information | Editor | Subscription | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
Editor's Note | Thanks for subscription extras | Farkas, Mary | Subscription | 1983 12 December Vol 30 |
A Reminder | Zen Notes Subscriptions | Editor | Subscriptions | 1954 11 Nov Vol 01 |
Successor, Poem | How can you find him if you look for him | Lamp, Peeter | Successor | 2007 01 Winter Vol 55 |
Sokei-an Says: Suchness | Experience of Success | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Suchness | 1971 02 Feb Vol 18 |
On October 31, 1956, The Art of Sumi-E Was Demonstrated | Sumi-E Demonstration at the First Zen Inst. | Ishikawa, Shinji | Sumi-E | 1956 11 Nov Vol 03 |
The Art of Sumi-E | Sumi = Ink E = Picture: "Ink Pictures" | Martin, Kimo | Sumi-E | 1956 11 Nov Vol 03 |
Book Noted: The Art of Sumi-e, the | Sumi-e in Japanese | Farkas, Mary | Sumi-e | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Book: Zen by the Brush | Book and Sumi-E drawing set | Morningstar, S. | Sumi-e | 2003 03 Summer Vol 50 |
The Zen Eye: The Five Supernatural Powers | Supernatural Powers of Arhats | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Supernatural | 1970 08 Aug Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: The Silence of Surabha | Vulture Peak confrontation with Surabha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Surabha | 1959 01 Jan Vol 06 |
Pictures of an Operation | Plastic surgery for a cancer on the face | Vasilevski, Val. | Surgery | 1987 04 Apr Vol 34 |
Book Noted: The Srimala Sutra, translated by Alex Wayman | The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala | Chandler, Ian R. | Sutra | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
Sokei-an Says: Dhyana Raja Yoga Samadhi | Avatamsaka sutra, samadhi | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sutra, Avatams | 1961 04 Apr Vol 08 |
The Heart of Great Wisdom Sutra | Translation of the Heart Sutra | Miura Roshi | Sutra, Heart | 1956 01 Jan Vol 03 |
Sokei-an Says: Pivots of Buddhism | I shall leave three or four sutras translated… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sutras | 1956 09 Sep Vol 03 |
From the City of Taipei | The Heart Sutra | Ching-lien | Sutras | 1957 03 Mar Vol 04 |
Announcements | Summer Seminar on the Sutras | Editor | Sutras | 1980 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 27 |
From the Great Natural Way | When you study sutras | Seki, Hozen | Sutras | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | The value of reading Buddshist Sutras | Haskel, Peter | Sutras | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Book Noted: The Surangama Sutra | Buddhist heaven and hell | Chandler, Ian R. | Sutras | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Perfect Awakening and the Four Maladies | History of the Sutra of Perfect Awakening | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Sutras | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
Sigalovada Sutta | Sigalovada Sutta | Editor | Sutta | 1969 07 Jul Vol 16 |
Beatrice Lane Suzuki, 1878-1939 | Biography of Beatrice Lane Suzuki | Haskel, Peter | Suzuki, Beatrice | 2000 02 Spring Vol 47 |
Cover: Beatrice Lane Suzuki, 1878-1939 | Beatrice Lane Suzuki in Monk's garb | Editor | Suzuki, Beatrice | 2000 02 Spring Vol 47 |
Cover: Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, 1870-1976 | Photo of Daisetz T. Suzuki | Morgan, Barbara | Suzuki, D. T. | 1966 07 Jul Vol 13 |
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki on Zen | List of books by D. T. Suzuki | Editor | Suzuki, D. T. | 1966 07 Jul Vol 13 |
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, 1870-1976 | Life Story of Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki | Farkas, Mary | Suzuki, D. T. | 1966 07 Jul Vol 13 |
Book Noted: A Zen Life D.T. Suzuki Remembered (Cover) | Essays by and about D. T. Suzuki | Storm, John | Suzuki, D. T. | 1987 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 34 |
Reminiscences of D.T. Suzuki | Anecdotes from Zenbunka magazine | Haskel, Peter | Suzuki, D. T. | 2003 04 Fall Vol 50 |
D. T. Suzuki at the Institute, November 21, 1936 | "My talk will have no beginning and no end" | Suzuki, D. T. | Suzuki, D. T. | 2004 03 Summer Vol 51 |
Book Noted: The Sword of No Sword, by John Stevens | The life and teachings of Yamaoka Tesshu | Storm, John | Swordsman | 1985 05 May Vol 32 |
Cover: Self Portrait and Calligraphy by Yamaoka Tesshu | Standing in the dojo of Suigetsu, … | Tesshu, Yamaoka | Swordsman | 1985 05 May Vol 32 |
Book Noted: Writings of the Zen Master to the Sword Master | Takuan's advice on swordsmanship | Storm, John | Takuan | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
Takuan Stories | Anecodotes about Takuan | Haskel, Peter | Takuan | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Takuan's Self Portrait | Picture and calligraphy by Takuan | Editor | Takuan | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Thoughts of Takuan | No thought, no mind and grief | Haskel, Peter | Takuan | 2002 04 Fall Vol 49 |
Record of the Marvelous Power of Immovable Wisdom | Delusion as Abiding Ground of Ignorance | Haskel, Peter | Takuan Soho | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
Record of the Marvelous Power of Immovable Wisdom, Part 2 | "A response instantaneous as a spark…" | Haskel, Peter | Takuan Soho | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Picture and Calligraphy by Takuan | Art and Calligraphy, "Dream" | Haskel, Peter | Takuan Soho | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
Record of the Marvelous Power of Immovable Wisdom, Part 3 | Where to Focus the Mind | Haskel, Peter | Takuan Soho | 2001 03 Summer Vol 48 |
Record of the Marvelous Power of Immovable Wisdom | Let the Mind Manifest Itself | Haskel, Peter | Takuan Soho | 2001 04 Fall Vol 48 |
Precipice, Climbing A | Press a breath down into the Tanden | Farkas, Mary | Tanden | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Rinzai Record | In the Tang Dynasty (618-907)… | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Tang Dynasty | 1970 09 Sep Vol 17 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 4 | The Tao must flow freely | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Tao | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Sokei-an Says: The Religion of North America | Tao is China, Shinto is Japan. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Taoism | 1965 09 September Vol 12 |
Cover: Baisao | From: "Baisao--The Old Tea Seller" | Haskel, Peter | Tea | 2008 04 Fall Vol 56 |
Book Noted: "Baisao--the Old Tea Seller" | From Zen Priest to Tea-Selling Eccentric | Haskel, Peter | Tea | 2008 04 Fall Vol 56 |
Sokei-an Says: Irregularity | Everything is irregular in my country | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Tea Master | 1956 10 Oct Vol 03 |
Sokei-an Says: Real Teacher | Real Teaching | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Teacher | 1971 01 Jan Vol 18 |
Sokei-an Says: The Zen School is a very queer school | "We are not really teaching zen…" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Teaching Zen | 1957 11 Nov Vol 04 |
Record of Lin-Chi | Lin Chi's Man Who Discusses Everything | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Teisho | 1980 08 Aug Vol 27 |
Temple Gate | Temple Gate Drawing | Morningstar, S. | Temple Gate | 2006 03 Summer Vol 54 |
A Visit to Heisan | Where Tendai Buddhism flourishes | Sasaki, Ruth | Tendai | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
A Visit to Heisan (concluded) | Walter Nowick returns from Heisan | Sasaki, Ruth | Tendai | 1954 06 Jun Vol 01 |
Letter from Kyoto | Tenryu-ji and the Ashikaga Shoguns | Sasaki, Ruth | Tenryu-ji | 1960 09 Sep Vol 07 |
Travel Note, by Valeria Vasilevski | Buddhism in Thailand, a traveler's notes | Vasilevski, Val. | Thailand | 1987 01 Jan Vol 34 |
Theravada Buddhism in Modern Society | Four virtues conducive to happiness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Theravada | 1969 08 Aug Vol 16 |
A Senior Citizen Notes | Why are you attracted to Zen? | Sitzman, Arthur | Thoughts | 1958 11 Nov Vol 05 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter VI, 17 | Your own mind produces the three evils | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Three evils | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Sokei-an Says: The Three Refuges | Buddha, Dharma, Sangha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Three Refuges | 1961 05 May Vol 08 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume IV, No. 2 | Samadhi and Wisdom | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Three Stages | 1983 09 September Vol 30 |
The Three Treasures | Universal communion of Buddhists | Miura Roshi | Three Treasures | 1955 05 May Vol 02 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 8 | The Buddha, the dharma and sangha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Three Treasures | 1985 11 Nov Vol 32 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 9 | Take refuge in the true law of your own mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Three Treasures | 1985 12 Dec Vol 32 |
Three-Hundred-Mile-Tiger, The Record of Lin-Chi, Vol X No. 3 | Kamadhatu, rupadhatu, arupadhatu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Three worlds | 2004 04 Fall Vol 51 |
Book Noted: A Journey in Ladakh, by Andrew Harvey | Secrets of an ancient, undisturbed culture | Wasilewski, Val. | Tibet Buddhism | 1986 08 Aug Vol 33 |
Cover: Dog | Tibetan Lhasa apso, dog's name is Dharma | McAddams, Cyn | Tibetan dog | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
From the City of Hsinchu | "I appreciate your nice work for teaching…" | H. Y. Li | Tientai | 1957 03 Mar Vol 04 |
Cover: Tiger | Tiger Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Tiger | 1961 12 Dec Vol 08 |
Cover: Tiger | Tiger Drawing by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Tiger | 1962 01 Jan Vol 09 |
Cover: Tiger with Calligraphy | Tiger with Calligraphy | Farkas, Mary | Tiger | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright | Sokei-an Outlived his Predicted death date | Editor | Tigerheart | 1955 02 Feb Vol 02 |
Cover: Poem by Toba Shu, translation by Ruth F. Sasaki | Do look at this flowering branch… | Sasaki, Ruth | Toba Shu | 1959 05 May Vol 06 |
Bankei and His World: Tokugawa Zen, Part III, No. 2 | Buddhism under the Tokugawas | Haskel, Peter | Tokugawas | 2010 04 Fall Vol 58 |
Li'l Ol Lady Zen | Tokusan and an old woman | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Tokusan | 2002 02 Spring Vol 49 |
The Bodhisattva Path | Quote from Spring Wind, a Buddhist rag | Farkas, Mary | Toronto Zen | 1984 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 31 |
Wall-Gazing-Huber Matos in an interview in National Review | Torture in Cuba's prison versus wall-gazing | Hackney, Sandy | Torture | 1981 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 28 |
Sokei-an Says: The Transcendental World | I wiped out all notions from my mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Transcendental | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: The Transcendental World | The door to the Transcendental world | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Transcendental | 1969 12 Dec Vol 16 |
A Note on Sokei-an's Handling of Buddhist Technical Terms | Translation of Technical Terms | Editor | Translation | 1956 09 Sep Vol 03 |
Existing Translations in English or Zen Works… | Translations from Japanese and Chinese | Sasaki, Ruth | Translation | 1959 08 Aug Vol 06 |
Letter From Kyoto | List of translations into English | Sasaki, Ruth | Translation | 1959 08 Aug Vol 06 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 44th Lecture May 27, 1939 | The meaning of transmigrating | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Transmigrating | 2007 04 Fall Vol 55 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 47th Lecture June 21, 1939 | Transmigration and how to eradicate it | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Transmigration | 2008 03 Summer Vol 56 |
Zen Transmission | Transmitted from eye to eye | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Transmission | 1955 08 Aug Vol 02 |
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.01 | Zen transmission in the Muromachi period | Haskel, Peter | Transmission | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Note From the Editor | On continuous Zen transmission | Lamp, Peeter | Transmission | 2004 01 Winter Vol 51 |
Tree Drawing | Tree Drawing by Hide Oshiro | Hide Oshiro | Tree | 1958 09 Sep Vol 05 |
Cover: Tree | Tree | Editor | Tree | 1966 04 Apr Vol 13 |
Four Tree Fellers topple 80 foot tree | Haskel, Lamp, Shafer, Hackney | Editor | Tree Chopping | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
The Tribandhanas | The three baskets of trouble | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Tribandhana | 1970 06 Jun Vol 17 |
The Dharmakaya of Buddha | Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1956 05 May Vol 03 |
Sokei-an Says: The Triune Body of Buddha | Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1959 11 Nov Vol 06 |
Sokei-an Says: The Three Bodies | Dharmakaya Sambhogakaya Nirmanakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1962 03 Mar Vol 09 |
Rinzai Record | Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya, Dharmakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1970 06 Jun Vol 17 |
The Record of Lin-Chi, Discourses IX | Dharmakaya, Sambogakaya, Nirmanakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1982 08 Aug Vol 29 |
The Record of Lin-Chi | Discourse IX: three states of realization | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 10 | The Trikaya Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume VI, No. 15 | Trikaya Buddha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 1986 11 Nov Vol 33 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 37th Lecture | Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya, Vajra-Garbha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
The Record of Lin-Chi, Discourses X, Lecture 06 | Dharmakaya, Sambogakaya, Nirmanakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 2005 04 Fall Vol 52 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 54th Lecture Oct. 11, 1939 | Dharmakaya Sambohogakaya Nirmanakaya | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Trikaya | 2010 02 Spring Vol 58 |
Sokei-an Says: The Three Baskets | Tripitaka: Sutra, Vinaya and Abhidharma | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Tripitaka | 1969 08 Aug Vol 16 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Your own true nature | Listen with your own true nature | Sasaki, Joshu | True Nature | 1985 03 Mar Vol 32 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: True teaching not sentimentality | The true teaching is not sentimentality | Storm, John | True Teaching | 1985 11 Nov Vol 32 |
Tudor Evening at the MET | American Ballet Theater -- 40 Years | Farkas, Mary | Tudor | 1980 08 Aug Vol 27 |
Dancing Tudor's Cereus | Julliard Dance Ensemble Performs Cereus | Maxwell, Clara | Tudor | 1981 10 Oct Vol 28 |
Message of the President, Anthony Tudor | Annual Corporate Meeting of the FZIOA | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor | 1982 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 29 |
Anthony Tudor is rehersing Offenbach in the Underworld | Tudor Ballet: Offenbach in the Underworld | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor Ballet | 1982 11 Nov Vol 29 |
Cover: Anthony Tudor dancing | Dancing Tudor looks like baby Buddha | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor, Anthony | 1983 04 Apr Vol 30 |
Conversation with Tudor | Tudor meets with Mayor Koch | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Leaving Canton, China -- Letter from Fay Robinson | Anthony Tudor on television in China | Robinson, Fay | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 04 Apr Vol 33 |
Cover: Five Choreographers: Tudor, Balanchine, etc. | Photo by Philippe Halsman, 1951 | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 05-06 May-Jun Vol 33 |
Tudor Smiles | Tudor's life in dance and choreography | Farkas, Mary | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 05-06 May-Jun Vol 33 |
Cover: Tudor and others honored at the Kennedy Center | Six are honored for lifetime achievements | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
Editor's Note: Tudor--an Admiral looking out over the sea | Farkas on Tudor's Kennedy Center photo | Farkas, Mary | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
President Reagan honors Tudor and Five Others | Kennedy Center Ceremony in Washington | Tudor, Anthony | Tudor, Anthony | 1986 12 Dec Vol 33 |
Cover: Anthony Tudor in dance rehersal | Photo by Jack Mitchell, 1975 | Mitchell, Jack | Tudor, Anthony | 1987 05 May Vol 34 |
Dance Magazine interview with Tudor | A revival of Tudor's ballet "Shadowplay" | Phillip, Richard | Tudor, Anthony | 1987 05 May Vol 34 |
Notes on Tudor by Clara Maxwell and Suzanne Ames | On Tudor and dance, by two disciples | Maxwell, Clara | Tudor, Anthony | 1987 05 May Vol 34 |
Anthony Tudor Centennial, 1908-2008 | Chandler's personal recollections of Tudor | Chandler, Ian R. | Tudor, Anthony | 2007 04 Fall Vol 55 |
Cover: Two photos of Anthony Tudor | Photos of Tudor, young and old | Editor | Tudor, Anthony | 2007 04 Fall Vol 55 |
The Overgrown Path: Finding Tudor Through Zen | Ballet professional Ian Bell on Tudor | Bell, Ian Spencer | Tudor, Anthony | 2007 04 Fall Vol 55 |
15th Century Turnip | Unknown artist, Jofukuji, Kyoto | Editor | Turnip | 2001 02 Spring Vol 48 |
Conversations with Farkas | Get at unconscious conflicts | Hackney, Sandy | Unconscious | 1981 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 28 |
Rinzai Record | Students Cannot attain Real Understanding | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Understanding | 1970 02 Feb Vol 17 |
Sokei-an Says: The Universe is another Name for Infinite… | Universal consciousness | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Universe | 1962 08 Aug Vol 09 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Unpersonified Activity | Natural, will-less unpersonified activity | Sasaki, Joshu | Unpersonified | 1984 07 Jul Vol 31 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 34th Lecture | The Vajra-garbha "Diamond Womb" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vajra-garbha | 2005 02 Spring Vol 52 |
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 35th Lecture | Vajra-garbha "Diamond Receptacle" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vajra-garbha | 2005 03 Summer Vol 52 |
The Black Stone Grotto | Vakkali the brahmin | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vakkali | 1970 10 Oct Vol 17 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: The value of zazen | The value of zazen without sanzen | Sasaki, Joshu | Value of zazen | 1984 03 Mar Vol 31 |
Buddhism in England | 1929 article on Zen Buddhism in NY | Varey, George S. | Varey, George | 1982 05 May Vol 29 |
Sokei-an Says: Vasubandhu's Buddhism | The complex philosophy of Vasubandhu | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vasubandhu | 1954 11 Nov Vol 01 |
Sokei-an Says: Terms of the Dharma | Buddhist Terms | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vehicles | 1971 06 June Vol 18 |
Editor's Note on the Fifth Skanda | Vijnana…at the bottom of the aggregation | Farkas, Mary | Vijnana | 1987 04 Apr Vol 34 |
Buddhist Activities in Thailand | 227 Vinaya Rules | Suriyabongs, Dr. | Vinaya | 1969 09 Sep Vol 16 |
Among our messages | Virtual Zendo on video | Name Withheld | Virtual Zendo | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
The Vulture Peak | A mountain outside the city of Raja-griha | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vulture Peak | 1970 10 Oct Vol 17 |
Sacred Eagle Mountain: Mount Grdhrakuta | Eagle or "Vulture" Peak | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Vulture Peak | 1970 11 Nov Vol 17 |
Arbitration Instead of War | International Law and Arbitration | Shaku, Soyen | War | 1970 08 Aug Vol 17 |
Books: The Way of Zen | The Way of Zen--an excellent bibliography | Editor | Watts, Alan | 1957 11 Nov Vol 04 |
Book Review: On Reading Zen Diary by Paul Weinpahl | Zen Diary | Farkas, Mary | Weinpahl | 1971 10 October Vol 18 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | The Western Heaven | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Western Heaven | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III | Sokei-an was the child of a Shinto Priest | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Western Heaven | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
Sokei-an Says: Buddha's Wisdom | "The Buddha's enlightenment is the origin.." | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1957 12 Dec Vol 04 |
The Root of the Tree | Wisdom and Love are our aim | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1958 09 Sep Vol 05 |
Buddha-Wisdom | Religious experience takes time | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1966 11 Nov Vol 13 |
Sokei-an Says: The Four Wisdoms | Adarsha-jnana, Samata-jnana, etc. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1969 03 Mar Vol 16 |
Sokei-an Says: Two Kinds of Men | Buddhism is the religion of wisdom. | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1970 06 Jun Vol 17 |
Rinzai Record | bottom of wisdom, height of emancipation | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1970 08 Aug Vol 17 |
Rinzai Record | "If you are a real Buddhist…" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wisdom | 1970 10 Oct Vol 17 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Wisdom of Buddha | Wisdom of Buddha or God | Joshu Sasaki Ros | Wisdom | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
Sokei-an Says: The Eternal Woman | A wonderful allegory of the Mahayana | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Woman, Eternal | 1965 07 July Vol 12 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | Women tend to get angry easily | Haskel, Peter | Women | 1980 05 May Vol 27 |
In Memoriam | Sokei-an's Nirvana Day: May 17, 1945 | Editor | Woodlawn | 1954 05 May Vol 01 |
The Sokei-an Memorial | Annual Visit to Woodlawn | O'Haire, Hugh | Woodlawn | 1985 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 32 |
Centerfold: Photos from Woodlawn Cemetery | Photos from Woodlawn visit | Lopez, Robert | Woodlawn | 1986 05-06 May-Jun Vol 33 |
Woodlawn, 1986 | Annual visit to Woodlawn 40 years later | Storm, John | Woodlawn | 1986 05-06 May-Jun Vol 33 |
Conversations with Farkas | People today don't learn to work | Hackney, Sandy | Work | 1980 06 Jun Vol 27 |
History was Made in Chicago in 1893 | "Arbitration Instead of War" | Shaku, Soyen | World Parliam. | 1962 11 Nov Vol 09 |
The Sixth Patriarch Says | Wrong view is the cause of venomous mind | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wrong View | 1962 10 Oct Vol 09 |
Three-Hundred-Mile Tiger, Discourse XII, Lecture 1 | The Chinese principal of "wu-wei" | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Wu-wei | 2010 01 Winter Vol 58 |
Rinzai Record | Yajnadatta was unable to find his own head | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Yajnadatta | 1970 11 Nov Vol 17 |
Record of Rinzai: Three Hundred Mile Tiger, Chapter X, No. 10 | Yajnadatta mislaid his head | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Yajnadatta | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
Anyone With Yama-Bushi Tendencies | Working as a logger in the Northwest | Snyder, Gary | Yamabushi | 1954 11 Nov Vol 01 |
Book Noted: Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, by H. David Coulter | Hatha Yoga, by a professional anatomist | Chandler, Ian R. | Yoga | 2006 02 Spring Vol 54 |
Cleaning the Hulk, noted by Hackney | Cleaning offices and apartments | Hackney, Sandy | Young attorney | 1981 12 Dec Vol 28 |
During the Course of a Recent Visit | Managing Editor of The Young East | Editor | Young East | 1962 11 Nov Vol 09 |
Conversations with Farkas | We are a youth oriented culture | Hackney, Sandy | Youth culture | 1981 08 Aug Vol 28 |
Obituary The Venerable Hsu Yun 1839-1959 | Hsu Yun Obituary | Luk, Charles | Yun, Hsu | 1960 02 Feb Vol 07 |
The Venerable Hsu-Yun Passes Away, 2503 B.E. | Famous 120 Year Old Chan Master dies | Editor | Yun, Hsu | 1960 02 Feb Vol 07 |
Cover: Zen Brush Strokes, by Vanessa Coward | Zen Brush Strokes | Coward, Vanessa | Z Brush Strokes | 1983 09 September Vol 30 |
Cover: Zen Brush Strokes, by Vanessa Coward | It was a short life, but it lasted. | Coward, Vanessa | Z Brush Strokes | 1983 11 November Vol 30 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen, the Living Religion of Japan, III | Zazen is the chief practice of Zennism | Farkas, Mary | Zazen | 1965 08 August Vol 12 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi's Advice to Students about Zazen | Use of "Who am I?" | Sasaki, Joshu | Zazen | 1969 09 Sep Vol 16 |
More About Zazen | Posture and Breathing in Zazen | Sasaki, Joshu | Zazen | 1969 09 Sep Vol 16 |
From the Record of Bankei, translated by Haskel | The merit in performing zazen | Haskel, Peter | Zazen | 1983 03 Mar Vol 30 |
Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Volume V, No. 2 | This gate of dharma, zazen | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Zazen | 1984 09 Sep Vol 31 |
Q and A: Where can I go to sit in Japan? | Free zazen for foreigners at Kaiohji | Roth, Martin | Zazen in Japan | 1986 09 Sep Vol 33 |
Zazen Wasan -- Transliteration of the Song of Zazen | Transliteration by Ruth Sasaki | Hakuin Zenji | Zazen Wasan | 1957 07 Jul Vol 04 |
On The Word Zen | Zen, ch'an and dhyana | Editor | Zen | 1954 07 Jul Vol 01 |
A Leftover Thought, noted by Storm | Zen is always in plain view | Storm, John | Zen | 1987 09 Sep Vol 34 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen Art. | Seven qualities of a "Zen" painting | Farkas, Mary | Zen art | 1965 01 Jan Vol 12 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen Art II | Art work at the First Zen Institute | Farkas, Mary | Zen art | 1965 02 Feb Vol 12 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen Art III | Sokei-an's Sunday wood carving class | Farkas, Mary | Zen art | 1965 03 Mar Vol 12 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen Art IV | Japanese sumi-painter Shinj Ishikawa | Farkas, Mary | Zen art | 1965 04 Apr Vol 12 |
Letter from Kyoto: The Image of Buddha | Heinrich Zimmer: The Art of Indian Asia | Farkas, Mary | Zen art | 1965 05 May Vol 12 |
Zen -- A Method of Religious Awakening | Talk given at M.I.T. | Sasaki, Ruth | Zen Awakening | 1959 03 Mar Vol 06 |
Cover: Year of the Dog, 1970 | Cover drawing for year of the dog | Vanessa Coward | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 01 Jan Vol 17 |
Cover: "Sometimes I Wonder" | Horse Drawing, by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 03 Mar Vol 17 |
Cover: Abstract Design | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 04 Apr Vol 17 |
Cover: Abstract Design | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 05 May Vol 17 |
Cover: Abstract Design | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 06 Jun Vol 17 |
Cover: Abstract Design | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 07 Jul Vol 17 |
Cover: Bird Drawing | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 08 Aug Vol 17 |
Cover: Bird Drawing | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 09 Sep Vol 17 |
Cover: Leaf and Plant Drawing | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 10 Oct Vol 17 |
Cover: The Five Eyes | Cover by Vanessa Coward | Coward, Vanessa | Zen B. Strokes | 1970 12 Dec Vol 17 |
Book Noted: Nine-Headed Dragon River | Confessional Zen Literature, Mathiesen | Storm, John | Zen Com of NY | 1986 03 Mar Vol 33 |
Let's Not Get Carried Away | "Zen" Macrobiotic Diet | Farkas, Mary | Zen Diets | 1966 09 Sep Vol 13 |
Let's Not Get Carried Away, II | "Zen" Macrobiotic Diet | Farkas, Mary | Zen Diets | 1966 10 Oct Vol 13 |
Letter From Kyoto: Mid-Summer Morning | End of work on Zen Dust is approaching | Sasaki, Ruth | Zen Dust | 1962 09 Sep Vol 09 |
Living Zen: A capsule history of Zen in America | Kosen, Soyen-Shaku and Sokatsu-Shaku | Editor | Zen in America | 1957 11 Nov Vol 04 |
Zen in New York | Mary Farkas (Enen) on Zen in NY Today | Farkas, Mary | Zen in America | 1958 10 Oct Vol 05 |
Book Noted: Zen Guide -- where to practice zen in Japan | Temples, Retreat Centers, food & details | Storm, John | Zen in Japan | 1987 02-03 Feb-Mar Vol 34 |
The First Zen of America | A long discussion of Zen in America | Farkas, Mary | Zen in the USA | 1986 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 33 |
Conversations with Farkas | When people read Zen they don't see it | Hackney, Sandy | Zen insight | 1980 09-10 Sep-Oct Vol 27 |
The Master in Rinzai (Lin-Chi) Zen | Position of the Zen Master | Sasaki, Ruth | Zen Master | 1966 12 Dec Vol 13 |
Letter From Kyoto: Biographies of Three Zen Masters | Kido Chigu, Daio Kokushi, Daito Kokushi | Sasaki, Ruth | Zen Masters | 1962 10 Oct Vol 09 |
A Zen Story | The making of "A Zen Story" | Lamp, Peeter | Zen movie | 2000 03 Summer Vol 47 |
Cover: A Zen Story (movie filmed at the First Zen Institute) | Short movie by Magdalena Sole | Editor | Zen movie | 2000 03 Summer Vol 47 |
Zen Notes | Found in countries around the globe | Editor | Zen Notes | 1956 07 Jul Vol 03 |
We Get Letters | "I have continued to find Zen Notes valuable" | Editor | Zen Notes | 1959 05 May Vol 06 |
Thank You Again | Zen Notes Renewals | Farkas, Mary | Zen Notes | 1986 10 Oct Vol 33 |
Complete Sets of Zen Notes for $300 | Complete Sets Available for Sale | Lamp, Peeter | Zen Notes | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
Complete Sets of Zen Notes | Complete Set of Zen Notes | Editor | Zen Notes | 2005 01 Winter Vol 52 |
50 Years of Zen Notes | Zen Notes Editors: four in fifty years | Lamp, Peeter | Zen Notes | 2005 04 Fall Vol 52 |
Complete Sets of Zen Notes | Complete Set of Zen Notes for $300 | Editor | Zen Notes | 2005 04 Fall Vol 52 |
Complete sets of Zen Notes for $300 | Complete Sets of Zen Notes on Sale | Editor | Zen Notes | 2007 01 Winter Vol 55 |
Complete Sets of Zen Notes | Complete Set of Zen Notes for $300 | Editor | Zen Notes | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
Cover: Mosaic of Zen Notes covers | Zen Notes covers | Lamp, Peeter | Zen Notes | 2005 04 Fall Vol 52 |
An Outline of Zen | Abbot of Nanzenji outlines Zen practice | Shibayam, Zenkei | Zen outline | 1961 01 Jan Vol 08 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: On Zen practice, boot-camp style | On Zen Practice, boot camp military style | Farkas, Mary | Zen practice | 1983 03 Mar Vol 30 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Zen Practice | The first step in Zen practice | Sasaki, Joshu | Zen practice | 1985 01-02 Jan-Feb Vol 32 |
Brief Q&A We're Often Asked | Breathing in Zazen | Sekida, Katsuki | Zen Questions | 1987 04 Apr Vol 34 |
Cover: Farkas with Visitors from the Institute for Zen Studies | Japan Institute: Rinzai, Soto and Obaku | Farkas, Mary | Zen Sects | 1986 11 Nov Vol 33 |
Sokei-an Says: How to Put Zen Into Speech | How can we speak about Zen? | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Zen Speech | 1965 10 October Vol 12 |
Sokei-an Says: Buddhist Students | Two kinds of Buddhist Students | Sasaki, Sokei-an | Zen Students | 1962 01 Jan Vol 09 |
Book Noted: Zen and Us, by Karlfried G. Durkheim | On Zen and the art of the sword | Storm, John | Zen Sword | 1987 12 Dec Vol 34 |
Zen Talks, II | Sokei-an's Lectures and Sanzen | Farkas, Mary | Zen Talks | 1966 06 Jun Vol 13 |
Conversations with Farkas | Zen teachers in America these days | Hackney, Sandy | Zen teachers | 1981 11 Nov Vol 28 |
Is Zen Teachable? By Robert Schwarz | Book learning vs. actualization of zen | Schwarz, Robert | Zen teaching | 1987 06-07 Jun-Jul Vol 34 |
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Busshin-shu or Zen-shu | Busshin-shu or Zen-shu | Tsuchiya, K. | Zen vs. religion | 1980 06 Jun Vol 27 |
Cover: "Twilight Zendo," photo by Peeter Lamp | Photo of FZI's zendo at twilight | Lamp, Peeter | Zendo | 2007 02 Spring Vol 55 |
Some verses from Zenrin Kushu | Calligraphy and Poetry in translation | Sasaki, Ruth | Zenrin Kushu | 1956 04 Apr Vol 03 |
Clouds, without mind | Translation from Zenrin Kushu | Haskel, Peter | Zenrin Kushu | 2001 01 Winter Vol 48 |
Zenrin Ruiju: | Poem & Calligraphy: In the front garden... | Farkas, Mary | Zenrin Ruiju | 1965 06 June Vol 12 |
Letter from Kyoto: Zen practice at Zuiun-ken | Americans practicing Zen in Japan | Sasaki, Ruth | Zuiun-ken | 1961 12 Dec Vol 08 |