January, 1981
The Cock or Chicken, Brushed and Noted by Vanessa Coward
From The Great Natural Way, by Ven. Hozen Seki
The Great Sixth Patriarch's Teaching, Chapter III, by Sokei-an Sasaki
An Appeal: The Cambodian Refugees, the Sakyas and Koliyas
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, Ithaca Zen Center, March 24-30
From the Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
What is Zero? From the Kodo News
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
Radio Station WABC on Year of the Chicken
February-March, 1981
Inside the FZI, 2 A Buddhist Bible
From the Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
Spring Sesshin, with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, March 24-30
Wall-Gazing: Huber Matos in an interview in National Review, Noted by Hackney
April, 1981
Inside the FZI, 3
Editor's notes on 'Inside the FZI'
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
From the Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
Sokei-an Says: The True Word
May, June 1981
Sokei-an Says: Mahayana-Hinayana aspects of Buddhism
Inside the FZI, 4
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
The Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
July, 1981
Woman Arrests Burglar
Inside the FZI, 5
The Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
Sokei-an Says: From one of the early lectures of Sokei-an dated Wednesday, April 26, 1933
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
August, 1981
Inside the FZI, 6
Sokei-an Says: Principles of Buddhism, I
The Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
September, 1981
Inside the FZI, 7
Sokei-an Says: Principles of Buddhism, II
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi October 13-15
The Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
October, 1981
Inside the FZI, 8
Sokei-an Says: Principles of Buddhism, The Buddhist Attitude Toward Daily Life
Joshu Sasaki Roshi Says: Temple Pedagogy
Dancing Tudor's Cereus, noted by Clara Maxwell
Book Noted, by Mary Farkas: "Letters to a Friend," by Paul Reps
From the Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
November, 1981
Inside the FZI, 9
Sokei-an Says: The Record of Hui-Neng
Bernice Abbott Exhibition
The Record of Bankei, Translated by Haskel
Conversations with Farkas, Noted by Hackney
December, 1981
Myokonin, by Gyoko Saito, Reprinted from the Buddhist Temple of Chicago Bulletin
From the Great Natural Way, by Ven. Hozen Seki
Sokei-an Says, Principles of Buddhism
The Record of Bankei, Translated by Peter Haskel
Sesshin with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, March 15-21
Inside the FZI, 10
Cover: Hark hark! by Peeter Lamp
Cleaning the Hulk, noted by Hackney
Table of Contents