Winter, 2005

Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.05, by Peter Haskel
Book Noted by Haskel: Zen Vines Zen Koans of the Shumon Kottoshu, by Thomas Yuho Kirchner
Complete Sets of Zen Notes: On sale for $300
Early Memories from 1891-1892, by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
The Record of Lin Chi, Discourse X. Parable of the Burning House, by Sokei-an Sasaki
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 37th Lecture, by Sokei-an Sasaki
Two chicks in a Makeshift Nest, by Peeter Lamp
Zen Master Ikkyu's Funeral for a Cat
Cover: Crows in the Winter sky
Spring, 2005

The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 34th Lecture, the Vajra-Garbha, by Sokei-an Sasaki
Flowers in the Zendo: several Japanese flower arrangements, by Ferang Shaefer
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.06: Vertical Lineage and Gozan Zen, by Peter Haskel
Twenty-Five Zen Koans: #2 Shakya and Miroku are slaves of another
Ode to Rooster Year, by Peeter Lamp
Rooster drawing, by Susan Morningstar
Cover: Flowers in the Zendo
Summer, 2005

The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 35th Lecture, the Vajra-Garbha, by Sokei-an Sasaki
Bankei and His World: Zen in the Muromachi Period, #1.07: The tatchu system and Gozan Zen, by Peter Haskel
Books Notes by Chandler: Dogen Zenji, 1200-1252
Poem from the Gospel According to Thomas
Mu ain't nothing but a hound dog, drawing by Susan Morningstar
Cover: Before your original face, who was your Father and Mother?
Fall, 2005

50 Years of Zen Notes, by Peeter Lamp
Complete Sets of Zen Notes for $300
Excerpts from Zen Notes Volume 1, No. 1
The Record of Lin-Chi, Discourses X, Lecture 6, by Sokei-an Sasaki
The Sutra of Perfect Awakening, 36th Lecture, Vajra-Garbha Bodhisattva by Sokei-an Sasaki
Cover: Mosaic of Zen Notes Covers
Table of Contents