January, 1954

The Quiet Life ... monasteries are built on a mountain top. By Sokei-an Sasaki
When I was a Child -- Learning Chinese, by Sokei-an Sasaki
New Year in Japan, Letter from Japan, by Ruth Sasaki
Japanese Vocabulary: Tokonoma, obasan, ojisan, Kancho, Kesa
Chinese Characters: For the numbers 1, 2, 3.
February, 1954

Sokei-an Says: Buddhism has existed in the world for 2,500 years.
Twenty-fourth Anniversary of the First Zen Institute of America
When I was a Child -- Learning to Draw, by Sokei-an Sasaki
Chinese Characters -- Man, Sitting, Overturned, Turned his Back
People: Walter Nowick left for Japan -- Music and Zen in Japan
Book Noted: The Development of Chinese Zen, by S. J. Dumoulin
Chinese Words: "Key" Sample Calligraphy
March, 1954

Sokei-an Says: Buddha is that even mind, even and calm...
When I was a Child: Sokei-an on Mind Activity
O Sesshin: Rohatsu at Daitoku-ji, by Ruth Sasaki
Obituary for Edna Kenton
O Sesshin Schedule for out-of-towners
April, 1954

Sokei-an Says: Buddha's Birthday
A monk from Soji-ji, Soto-Shu Headquarters, By Ruth Sasaki
Zenrin Kushu Poem: Tonight the moon is full
Goings and Comings: Azuma Kabuki Dancers and Musicians
Chinese Characters: Primitive woman, good, trouble, safe
May, 1954

Sokei-an Says: The Transcendental World
When I was a Child: Understanding the mechanics of the mind
A Visit to Heisan: Where Tendai Buddhism Flourishes
Zenrin Kushu Poem: Walking, I come to where the waters end
Translations of Poems: Zenrin Kushu, by Lindley Hubbell
In Memoriam: Sokei-an's Nirvana Day: May 17, 1945
Chinese Characters: Walk, earth, to sit, to rest
June, 1954

Sokei-an Says: Consider the Mind of an Infant
When You Were In Your Mother's Bosom, By Sokei-an Sasaki
A Visit to Heisan (concluded)--Walter Nowick returns, by Ruth Sasaki
Comings and Goings: Asahina Sogen to visit the First Zen Institute
Chinese Characters: Mountains and water
July, 1954

A Message To Sokei-an's Zen Students, by Asahina Sogen
Asahina Sogen: three Conditions: Faith, "Great Ball of Doubt" and Courage
Asahina Sogen: There is a Right Method Of Sitting
Asahina Sogen: Two Sicknesses: don't eat or sleep too much or too little
Asahina Sogen: You Will Attain Enlightenment: the goal of meditation is to see God
Asahina Sogen: The World of Enlightenment: the state of enlightenment is totally different
Asahina Sogen: In Buddhism We Call This Compassion
Asahina Sogen: A World of Mutual Respect
Zen History is Made in New York. American Zen will reach its height in 300 years.
On The Word "Zen": Zen, Ch'an and Dhyana
Architecture--A complete Japanese house on west 54th St, from the Museum of Modern Art
August, 1954

Living Zen: Life story of Asahina Sogen
Legendary Encounters: Asahina Sogen visits with Albert Einstein
Chinese Characters: Love, benevolence, complete virtue
Cover: Asahina Sogen Roshi
September, 1954

A Zen Master In Our Midst: Zen master and Abbot of Engaku-ji, Asahina Sogen
Living Zen: Conclusion of the brief biography of Asahina Sogen
October, 1954

Memoir of a Modern Zen Master: Obituary of Shaku Sokatsu, 1869-1954
Poems written on a Fan, by Shaku Sokatsu
News From Abroad: Dr. George B. Fowler reports from Australia
November, 1954

Sokei-an Says: Vasubandhu's Buddhism
When I was a Child: I made daily notes of my dreams, by Sokei-an Sasaki
Anyone With Yama-Bushi Tendencies, on logging in the Pacific Northwest, by Gary Snyder
Japanese Vocabulary: Yama-bushi
Zenrin Kushu, Calligraphy Poem: There is nothing to compare it with, by Kanzen
A Reminder: Zen Notes Subscriptions
December, 1954

Sokei-an Says: Zen's Bodhidharma
Bodhidharma's Zen
Was Bodhidharma a Real Person? Modern Historical Criticism
Chinese Characters: Beneift, profit
Japanese Vocabulary: Sho-nen: right mind, right attitude
Table of Contents